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I was zoned out watching the cars go by
" Hey you coming "
I looked up and there was Eddie
" what we can't just leave you here come on "
He smiled and I got up we started to walk back
" so I heard you say he was in the navy "
" yeah umm he said he couldn't stop seeing it in his head and he wanted it to stop but you know how that is "
" Yeah that's why I said I'd check on you "
" I know I should have waited for you guys to get here it was stupid of me to go up there he could have pulled me over I mean he's like three times the size of me but I tried to do that when I got back the first time and no one saved me I had to talk my self down and I couldn't let it "
I hadn't released I was crying till he stopped and hugged me and I broke down
" it's ok you're alright now "
I kept going
" Hey Buck said you've been to Greece "
" an island off of Greece "
I pulled away and I started to calm down and when we walked in people started clapping. I tried to take a step back because I thought it was for him but he put his hand on my back and gently pushed me forward it was only Hen, Buck, Bobby, and two other guys that I haven't seen before and they stopped when Buck stepped away and ran down the stairs
" you hungry "
" yes "
I said and smiled at him he returned it and we went upstairs and waited for Bobby to make some food.
" ok come on foods ready "
We all went and sat down and it really was like a family in the sense that they were telling stupid stories about when they all started and stupid stuff they did.

Buck unlocked the door to let us in his apartment
" so a I heard you were talking about me on the call "
He smiled and looked down a little
" all good things I hope "
" yeah all good "

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