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Ruby's pov
I watched as they pulled out and flipped on the lights I stepped away from the railing and looked at the kitchen it was a mess he was clearly in the middle of making some food because it's almost lunch. I grabbed my phone and texted Buck
' would cap kill me if I touched the kitchen? '
I started to straighten up the little lounge area then my phone buzzed
' yes '
Is all it said there was nothing cooking he just got things prepped so it was ok. I was in the middle of sweeping when they came back and when Evens got out he looked like he saw a ghost. He walked right past me without batting an eye
" there was a lot of blood "
Eddie said
" what was it "
" a guy put his arm in a piece of machinery that got clogged and well you can probably guess the rest "
" oh god "
" yeah "
He had a little smile on his face and then walked away
" so what did you do "
Buck said
" I did not touch the kitchen if that's what you're asking "
He smiled and nodded.

Evens was still getting over what he saw so when the next call came in he asked to stay behind. When we got to the house fire there were many people standing around
" ok people we need you to get back "
Bobby said as we got set up then a man pulled up
" let me through my wife is in there "
" hey hey were handling this sir "
" cap "
Buck said
" Buck Two go "
We looked at each other for a second then we ran in
" ok you down here "
He ran up the stairs and I looked then I saw her and she was in the kitchen making her way to the door when she fell it looks like
" Mama can you hear me ' I got her down here '"
I said over the walkie and I heard Buck coming down when he got to us she said
" Molly "
And then she was out. We looked at each other
" there was one last room "
" go take her I got Molly "
I felt like I had to get the kid because I called him down. I quickly got up there and opened the last door that was closed
" Molly "
I said and I heard a whine from under the bed I got down and looked and there she was with a small dog
" hi Molly my names Ruby come on "
She quickly got out and I picked her up and she healed onto the dog and as I ran down the steps they broke and finally we were outside of the house as they finally got it out. I set Molly down and she ran to her dad and I coughed a little
" I'm sorry cap I should have asked if upstairs was all clear before I called "
" it's ok you just know better "
He lightly patted me on the shoulder and gave me a quick smile before he walked away. I looked at Buck and he was helping with the hose but he flashed me a quick smile
" hey let's make sure you're all good "
Hen said and we walked over to the ambulance.

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