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Bucks pov
Finally, after she wrote her name for the hundred times we could go. On the drive back I said
" you're umm we all missed you at the house "
" oh yeah "
She said shifting in her seat
" yeah umm Bobby actually said for you to do something on a call and he was getting mad then Hen had to remind him "
She had a small smile on her face
" hey let's stop and get some food "
" you sure we can order something when we "
" I don't want pizza or Chinese can we get in n out "
I looked up and we were going to go right past one so I pulled in
" can we go in I umm I need to move "
" oh yeah "
I pulled into a spot and we went in and ordered our food and I noticed people were whispering and looking at her from behind the counter. she had bruises on her face and some scratches and her arm was covered in cuts and a few butterfly bandaids
" ok we'll have that out for you "
I looked down and noticed she paid for both of us
" you didn't have to I was going to get it "
" it's fine Buck I got it this time "
We found a spot to sit and she looked at her phone and I could see the confusion growing on her face when she looked up then back down
" here you two go "
A girl said and Ruby looked up and said thank you and the girl didn't move
" is something wrong "
Ruby said
" Ummm umm you're Ruby Brooklyn right "
" yeah did you give us the wrong order so something "
I could tell she was getting annoyed but didn't want to show it
" no umm we've just heard a lot about you on the news "
" oh ok "
The girl finally walked away
" that was wired but I'm starving "

Ruby's pov
When we finally got back I went to the tv and turned it to the news and the man said
" she's not only a firefighter with the LA fire and rescue she is also responsible for finding and saving four kids who have been kidnaped in the past month and a half more on this young woman's bravery at 6 "
I looked up at Buck because he was standing next to the table and I was sitting on it
" How did they "
" I have no idea I'm so sorry "
" Why are you sorry "
" because it sucks when your most traumatic experiences are filmed and then showed to everyone you feel like everyone knows and feels bad for you "
" what do you mean "
" when a roller coaster stalled a guy was holding on because his grade thing didn't latch properly and well he let go instead of taking my hand and they got it all him falling and me trying to save him then they wanted an interview after and it was hard for a while after that "
" wow I get it "
I started to get up but my ribs hurt too much
" hey you ok "
" yeah umm it's just my ribs they hurt ... hey when do you think I'll be able to go back "
" that you'll have to talk to Bobby about because it's different for everyone "
" ok ... I left my phone in the car "
" rental "
" ok in the rental can I borrow your phone "
" yeah I'll go grab yours "
" thanks "
He quickly left after he unlocked his phone. I hit Bobby's name and it started to ring
" what Buck this isn't a good time "
" not Buck Ruby "
" oh I'm sorry Ruby was just getting done on a call "
" Sorry I guess I should have known "
" what's going on why are you calling from his phone is everything ok "
I could hear the panic in his voice
" yeah mines dead and we just got back I was wondering how long till I could come back "
" Ruby "
" I know I shouldn't be worrying about that right now but I just need to do something Bobby "
" God you're just like Buck "
We both laughed
" is that a bad thing "
" no no umm Friday "
" Yeah yeah that's great thank you "
" you're welcome "
He hung up just as Buck came in
" so he said I can come back Friday "
" that's good do you think you'll be ready by then "
" I've worked through worse "

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