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There was a light tap on my forehead I opened my eyes and it was Jake
" you think that's funny "
He was smiling
" he left for work he'll be home for his lunch "
" well we don't get a lot of time than now do we "
I got up and started to look around for an exit I walked past the window that was boarded up but I could see daylight through. I took a deep breath and started braking the wood and soon the window was exposed and it was a double pained window which meant more glass. Thankfully it was a bigger window I broke it and tried to get most of it out
" umm ok give me the blanket "
They did and I started to help them up get out and then it was my turn. When I was half out I heard the door open and then he was pulling me back in
" Lavender May what are you doing silly "
He pulled me back in I turned and punched and he fell back
" that's not my fucking name "
I took his keys and ran out the front door
" kids let's go get in "
They listened and I zoned out and before I knew it I was pulling into the driveway at the station and the door was open. I looked up and none of them noticed
" We made it were ok "
And then I passed out.

Bucks pov
I was picking at my food whale the others ate quickly then a car horn started blaring we looked and there was a green truck. Me Eddie and Hen all ran down and quickly Hen pushed me back. Eddie took four kids out and then Hen pulled out Ruby and soon we got her into the ambulance along with the kids
" Buck you ride back here we'll be upfront "
" yeah yeah ok "
I got in and we started to drive
" she's going to be ok right "
" yes "
" she saved us "
" I know did she tell you she's a firefighter "
They all got excited and started talking over one another and I could piece together some story's that we've told her. One of the girls said
" what's your name "
" Buck "
" you're cute you love her "
" what "
The girl smiled and I just looked at her. When we got there the same girl said
" get her candy but not cinnamon bares she doesn't like them "
And she made a face
" yeah she doesn't "
They took her and after what felt like years they finally said I could go see her and I was still in my firefighter t-shirt
" knock knock "
I said as I walked in and she smiled at me
" you mister have bad luck on dates "
" Yeah I guess I do "
She patted the bed lightly and I sat down
" I looked for you I really did I got your messages "
" I knew you would "
There was a knock on the door and it was Athena
" hi "
She said with a warm smile
" Ruby these kids won't say anything besides your name and scream stranger danger so I was wondering if you wouldn't mind getting her full names and ages "
" yeh totally "
" ok I'll be back in a few minutes "
She walked away and I said
" helping others before you even know your own injuries "

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