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Ruby's pov
I could tell he wanted to cry and I said
" what's the prognosis "
He smiled and said
" well you broke a rib um some cuts and bruises "
" oh so nothing "
he laughed and Athena came in and the kids yelled my name
" hey I told you I'd get you out didn't I "
They all had drips for the vitamins and other things they were lacking in and she gave me a clipboard and they stepped out so it was me and the kids
" ok let's start "
I got their names and their ages they were all under 8 and then we just talked
" are you going to be ok "
Jake said and his eyes were red
" yes I'm going to be fine "
They all hugged me and I started to feel weird
" hey did you guys meet my friend Buck "
" yeah "
Sara said and then Jake said
" you're prettier clean "
I laughed and said
" why don't you guys go find him and that office Athena she's a friend ok "
They left the room and as soon as they left the room I hit the call button.

After a while they finally determined my body was trying to fight off the blood that they had to give me and that it will pass. Buck came in and I said
" Why aren't you at work you're still dressed for it "
He looked at his shirt and smiled and I said
" or did you steal it from a friend "
He laughed and sat back down on the bed
" they'll be here in a little when they get off "
" ok "
There was a knock on the door and it was Maddie
" hey "
She started crying and quickly walked over and hugged me
" Hey it's ok "
" I know I know it just reminds me of something that happened to me you did well leaving those notes I know I tried but it didn't work "
I looked at Buck and he just gave me a look that told me he'll tell me later. The room fell silent then I could hear the heavy footsteps of the crew and then they stepped in and none of them spoke
" do I really look that bad "
They loosened up a little.

" I'm sorry but she has to get some rest now "
They all said bye and made there way out till it was just me and Buck
" you're going home right "
" what no I'm "
" Buck go home sleep in a nice bed I can tell you haven't slept and you've been working too hard and are running on just coffee no food "
" I wasn't hungry "
" Buck go home I'll still be here in the morning ok "
" ok "
He was about to walk out and I said
" come here "
He came over and we had the same idea because he kissed me.

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