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I opened my eyes and I was looking at the all too familiar hospital ceiling I looked and saw Maddie
" what happened "
" Buck "
" did they find her "
" Buck they haven't found anything just focus on how lucky you are to "
" Maddie I don't know what happened to her but she stopped the bleeding and she "
" she what "
" where's my phone "
She handed it to me and I pulled up the picture and showed it to her
" they said you had something on your arm but they didn't think it was important "
" well I think it is "
Her phone rang
" I'm sorry it's Josh "
" take it "
She walked out of the room and then quickly came back in
" Buck listen "
She put it on speaker and he said
" ok so a woman just called and said that someone wrote on the wall in the bathroom Buck it says it's from Ruby "
" We have to go now "
" Buck "
" get the nurse "
She listened and I was told I could leave in a few hours they just have to keep an eye on me for a set amount of time because of all my past medical problems.

I was released and Maddie drove me to the gas station. She barely stopped and I jumped out and ran in
" did you call 911 "
The woman looked a little confused
" about the writing on the wall "
" oh yes come with me I taped some paper over it so no one messed with it or called again and flooded the line "
When she opened the door Maddie was behind me and I knew it was her because of the way she writes in a mix of cursive and print
" Hey um what time was she here "
" We can look at the recipes and see if she got anything "
After a few minutes, she said
" here we go "
And she gave us the recipe
" 5:08 am she got gas and "
" and what Buck "
I looked at her
" she got cinnamon bares she hates them and it means she's in real trouble "
It's silly but once she made a joke that if we ever saw her get them or eat them she's been kidnaped
" it's time to go "
" ok thank you so much "
When we got back in the car she said
" you're way to close to this and she's a strong person "
" But I'm supposed to protect her Maddie I'm the one that should be with her right now not some guy "
We didn't speak the whole way back.

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