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As soon as we went into the open garage door someone said
" Buck what took you so long "
I looked behind me quickly and there was no one else coming in
" I thought you said your name is Evan "
" it is people just call me Buck "
" right "
I said giving him and questioning look
" what you still don't believe me "
I shook my head no with a smile and said
" I mean anyone can just walk-in "
I shrugged and he let go of me then he looked over to the small gym set up and said
" Eddie can you come here "
" yeah "
The guy quickly walked over
" am I a firefighter "
" it's not working is it "
He said looking at me I shook my head no and he smiled
" well sadly he is a firefighter how's it feels that a girl doesn't jump you when you say that"
He just looked at him then Eddie said
" doesn't she remind you of someone "
" Abby "
I heard a woman say and I looked at the stairs
" oh sorry I thought you were someone else "
" Abby's my cousin I'm looking for her "
Eddie looked at the woman then back at Buck and then he walked away
" what was that all about "
" I umm dated her "
" oh "
I said and looked down and said
" well there goes that plan of staying with her "
" well umm would you like to meet the rest of the crew "
" why not "
" oh you can leave your stuff here "
I put my stuff against the wall next to the bench. We went upstairs and he said
" guys this is Ruby Ruby this is Hen, Chimney, and Bobby "
" captain "
I said and pointed at Bobby and he smiled and he said
" so Ruby what brings you here "
" well my cousin "
" Abby "
Hen said as she took a bite of her salad
" yeah and well she's not here so "
I was cut off by a bell sounding they all ran and got their suits on and got in the truck
" hey look after Christopher "
Eddie said as he got in before I could say anything they left. I let out a deep breath and a kid said
" I'm down here "
I went down the stairs to find a boy sitting next to my stuff
" Hi Christopher "
" yes "
" I'm Ruby "
" that's a pretty name "
" thanks "
I said as I sat down I front of him cross-legged
" so what do you want to do "
He opened his backpack and showed me Legos and we spent the next hour putting them together
" so are you a friend of my dads "
" who's your dad ... Eddie "
He smiled as he stuck a yellow and green LEGO tether then grabbed another yellow one
" you know when I was your age I would scream if I couldn't play with my brothers do you have any brother or sisters "
" no "
" that's ok that just means you get all the love "
He smiled again
" Whatcha got there "
I said looking at the triangle looking shape that was green and yellow with a little red
" pizza "
" that's so cool "
He handed it to me and the truck pulled in and a massive smile grew on his face.
Eddie jumped out and walked over to us
" did you have fun bud "
" yeah "
" look he made a pizza "
I said handing it to him and I stood up
" Thanks for watching him "
" no problem "
" ok I'll go get cleaned up and then we can go home ok "
" ok "
He said and I looked at my phone and it was now 6:30
" hey "
Buck said as he walked by and disappeared into the locker room. I helped Christopher clean up the LEGOs and Eddie came back out
" Hey Ruby do you want to come over for supper tonight "
" um "
" don't worry Buck and his sister are coming you don't have to I just figured because you're new in town "
" sure "
" ok I'll see you later then ready to go "
He said as he picked up the backpack and put it over his shoulder and walked out. I sat down on the bench and I closed my eyes for a second.

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