. 39 .

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After we ate her mom said
" you're still not at that death trap of a job are you "
" yes I'm still there mom "
" that's the stupidest things you could be doing that's a mans job, not a woman's "
" just like the army right "
" yes what does your friend do clean houses "
" no umm miss I'm a firefighter too "
" Are you the one that talked her into it "
" no "
Ruby said and her mom started to go on and on almost yelling at me and Ruby said
" you have no right to talk to my Fiancé "
" Fiancé "
" yes and you know what mom I asked him I'm sorry but I can't stay here tonight we'll be back in the morning "
She got up and walked to the door
" side "
She said and they disappeared out the door and her mom said
" you better get her to leave that job before it kills her "
" that's not my place you and I both know she will do what she wishes "
I walked out and got in the car and I realized why she hadn't taken our stuff out of the car
" umm a let's go find somewhere to stay "
She started the car and she drove for a little bit then called someone
" hey how are you ... good good hey umm I'm in town ... yeah ok umm you still in the red house ... ok I'll be there soon "
Soon we pulled up to a big red house and there was a woman that looked to be the same age running out. Ruby jumped out with a big smile on her face and I slowly followed making my way to them
" This is my friend Jess Jess this is my Fiancé Buck "
" what "
She sounded so excited and she gave me a hug
" ok well you two let's get inside "
We went back and grabbed our bags and let Ember out. We were standing in the kitchen and Jess said
" so what did she do this time "
Gesturing to her hand
" oh umm she dropped a glass and when I was cleaning it up she pushed me into it "
" she's not any better "
She handed us both a beer
" no, and it's so suffocating that's why I left remember "
" yeah ok so how did you two meet "
" oh umm well I just landed in LA looking for my cousin "
" bust "
" yep and well I was in a coffee shop and he came in and we started talking and well the rest is history right "
" hold on are we going to skip over the fact that you said I stole my firefighter shirt from a friend "
They both laughed and Jess said
" so you're a firefighter and what are you, Rue "
" the same thing "
She said with a big smile
" yeah, in fact, she asked me to marry her at the firehouse then we had to go on a call "
" you two were made for each other like seriously I've never seen you this happy "
" and on that note time for bed "
" ok well I'll make you breakfast in the morning "
" thank you again Jess "
" of course "
They hugged and we went to a room. As soon as we switched off the lamps she said
" Hey umm thank you for not saying anything today umm it just would have been worse "
I pulled her closer
" Ruby no one deserves to be treated like that "
" I know and thats why I left after umm each passing she became more and more enraged and well she didn't want to hurt the ones who reminded her of the others but I, on the other hand, was the female version of them and she didn't like that so "
I felt as a drop of water grew on my shirt and I realized she was crying
" oh it's ok you don't have to deal with that anymore you got me "
The room fell silent along with the world.

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