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I woke up on a bed I looked around and I had no idea where I was. I got up and went downstairs and found Buck on the couch passed out then his alarm went off and the apartment is an open floor plan so he heard it and woke up
" hi "
He said with a little smirk
" hey "
He got up and quickly ran upstairs and turned off the alarm
" hey so umm I don't work till noon so "
" ok "
He got changed and came down and started to make eggs and started to burn them
" oh god just sit "
I said and we switched spots so he was on the other side of the island and I was at the stove
" so you said that you've been traveling for the past year and your 26 what did you do before that "
I froze for a second and then finally said
" I was an army brat when I was younger then when I turned 18 I decided to follow in my dad's footsteps and join "
" what happened I mean why aren't you still there "
" I umm well I was sent overseas and all was good for the three years we were there the last day we were there I got shot and when we got back I made a fast recovery then three months later we went back and umm two years into the planned four we were driving back to base after we were getting balloons of all things for a surprise party for our captains twenty years in and the driver went off the road a little too much and tripped something that causes a series of bombs to go off making the ground give and we fell into a pit the truck was smashed from the impact I was stuck there in that hole stuck in my seat watching my best friends my family die because of there injures I blackout and woke up back in the states with a concussion a broken leg and my name in every local paper back home ' local soldier only survivor of attack ' ... after that, I had to stay in Texas till I had the all clear that it was safe for me to travel and an honorable discharge "
I finished making the last eggs
" When I was completely healed I told my mom I wanted to live because I've seen so much death I wanted to see what else was out there things that are alive for a lack of a better word "
I picked up the two plates and walked over to sit next to him
" wow "
" what didn't think a girl could have a story like that "
" not one so beautiful you don't even have a scar "
He looked at me and I smiled and said
" the cut was on the side of my head so it's covered by my hair "
I took a bite of my food. We didn't talk as we ate. He was washing the dishes and said
" so where have you been "
" in the past year, I've been to Santorini an island off Greece, Bora Bora, Norway, Verona Italy, Madrid, Milan, and Rome "
" wow you sure did see a lot of the world "
" places a prettier off the battlefield "
He just looks at me and said
" do you have a favorite "
" Santorini but the last place I was ... Verona the Romeo and Juliet city or town I don't remember "
" ok so you've been to Texas and "
" army brat means I moved all over so I've lived in the better part of the states "
He had a smirk on his face when he looked at his phone
" Hey, I'm sorry I have to go help my sister quickly her car won't start umm stay ... I'll be back soon "
He grabbed his keys and ran out the door
" ok "
I said as it closed.

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