. 18 .

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when we got out of the truck Evens was pacing a little. I took off the gear and walked over to him
" hey you all "
I was cut off when he hugged me and started crying
" Hey hey it's ok "
" I don't think I can do this "
" look at me "
He let go and looked at me like I said
" This isn't an easy job we both knew that right we knew it would be hard and we could get hurt from it and losing people sadly comes with it but you can either focus on the bad or look at the good you did each day celebrate every tinny victory ok "
He gave me a quick smile then walked away and I went to get cleaned up.
I got upstairs and people were hanging out I sat down and watched Hen and another guy play a game. I was laughing at there trash talk and my phone started to buzz I looked and it was my mom. I got up and walked downstairs
" hello "
" what the hell is wrong with you "
" what "
" you didn't tell me and I had to find out from someone else "
" hold on tell you what "
" you must have a death wish that someone keeps sending back "
" mom are you drunk "
" please I had one glass you sound like your dad "
" what didn't I tell you "
" that you're a firefighter "
" probationary "
" whatever the hell I had to see a picture of you on Instagram "
" what are you talking about "
" you can not do this to me "
" I'm not doing it TOO you I'm doing it FOR me just like the army you didn't talk to me for a month when I joined and when you did you would be drunk and say you hoped something would happen then you'd bargain with me to come home"
" you're my little girl "
" well I'm not so little anymore "
I hung up then looked up and saw Buck and Eddie working out and I knew they heard what I said I quickly went back upstairs.

It was almost 7 when the bell went off and Bobby yelled
" cookout gone wrong "
When we got there they had started the grill on fire and half the yard
" Are you kidding me "
I said and Eddie laughed Bobby went and turned in the garden hose and put it out then turned off the grill. He smiled and healed up what looked like a chicken leg then gave it to the guy that called
" enjoy "
We left and couldn't stop laughing quietly the whole way back. When we pulled in chimney said
" what's in the menu tonight cap "
" you'll see "
He went upstairs and I started to clean things that I was told to.
What felt like an hour later we were called to eat and it was a chicken and other things that smelled amazing. I sat down in between Buck and Evens and we all just talked. Finally, 9 rolled around and I was off
" hey how long you got left "
" oh I'm off at 9:30 "
" ok umm I'll just work out for a bit then "
" ok I need to go talk to Bobby "
He went to his office and I got changed into the work out clothes that I packed.

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