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Bucks pov
I felt bad that we had to leave her at the station all by her self and I guess Hen saw that because she said
" she's fine "
Bobby was driving. Chim looked over at me and said
" so she's Abby's cousin "
" yeah umm she's traveled a lot "
Hen and chim looked at each other
" what "
" just don't get to attached "
" I know what I'm getting into "
" you sure she's not just another pretty girl "
Eddie said and I just stared at him
" what "
" she's not just pretty she's strong she was in the army "
" when "
He said
" that doesn't matter she's been through a lot some bad stuff happened to her over there "
The chatter in the truck stopped and we pulled up to the house fire. After an hour finally, we got it out and got back in when Bobby said
" We got a jumper down the street "
" look Buck I'm sorry I said that "
" it's fine "
" you said she's traveled "
" yeah she's been all over she said her favorite was Greece "
" God you have a thing for the movers "
He said and I couldn't help but smile. We turned down the street and saw the people then I saw that bright red hair and my heart started pounding. We stopped and without talking we all started to get into position. I and Eddie got to the roof just as she pulled him back over. When we were on the ground we had to find out what happened. I was asking a guy then Eddie yelled for me
" thank you what's up "
" listen "
We looked at the woman
" that girl came out and asked what was going on and when I told her she came down here then she went up there and talked him down when he took a step he slipped I think he had a broken leg or something because he was wobbly and well she grabbed his hand and saved him I sure hope they're both ok "
We just looked at one another and back to where she was and she was walking over to the curb.
" thank you "
We both said and told Bobby he went over and checked on her. After a while, he came back to us
" I think someone should make sure she's ok "
" I got this I know what it's like "
We packed up and went back. When they finally walked in Bobby was the one who started clapping.

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