. 22 .

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When the 5 of us were walking out to our cars the bell went off and we all kinda looked at Buck
" what you can't prove I jinxed it "
" yeah ok "
I said and we put our stuff in the back and we headed to the apartment
" so do we have to dress up "
" no "
He laughed a little
" This is a party for Athena's first day back on the job "
" what does she do "
" she's a cop "
" ok what are you supposed to bring "
" pasta salad I'll just stop on the way and get some "
" no, you won't I think you have everything you need to make it "
" of course, you know how to make it off the top of your head "
" no but I got a secret weapon .... google "
He laughed and I quickly found a recipe.

" ok you better be ready "
Buck said as he walks around the upper level for a minute then finally found his phone. He looked over the railing he had on white converse, dark blue jeans, a white t-shirt with a darker red button-down over top and the sleeves were rolled to his elbows.

Bucks pov
When I looked down she was putting the food into a container and when she stepped out from behind the counter she had on black vans, black skinny jeans, a red and white striped top, and her hair was in a ponytail
" you ready "
She said grabbing her phone off the counter I nodded and we went to the car.
" hey how about you drive you do have a license right "
She gave me a look and I took the container and she took the keys and we made our way there.
The way she talked to everyone and the way they kinda lit up around her.

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