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When we landed I said
" don't get used to this this isn't where we're going "
I got a rental car and started to drive. Soon we were in a small town and I said
" my moms from here so when my dad died she moved back "
I pulled into the driveway and saw that she let it go because the grass was super long
" home sweet home "
I sighed and got out and we went to the door and knocked
" Who are you "
" Uncle Jack always a pleasure "

Bucks pov
When the man opened the door he said
" Who are you "
And she looked almost uncomfortable
" Uncle Jack always a pleasure "
And she started to get by him and I followed
" mom ... mom "
She yelled then a woman popped up from behind the counter in the kitchen
" Ruby "
She looked so excited as she walked over and hugged her then slapped her
" that's for leaving me "
She gave me a look that said don't react
" so umm what can I do "
" Now you ask what I need from you "
" I know mom just tell me what to do "
" go pack "
" ok come on "
She took my hand and brought me upstairs to the second bedroom
" ok good there's some boxes "
I heard a dog barking
" ok umm start with this and I'll go get her "
After a few minutes, she came back
" you seriously have a Dalmatian "
A big smile grew on her face and she said
" yep and her name is Ember because when we got her I saw the colored her eyes and well "
The dog came over to me and started to lick me
" she was a rescue they think she was beaten by her old owners and she was super scared and aggressive when I got her but I worked with her and well you see how that went "
" When did you get her "
" the first time I got back "
She went over and opened the closet door and
" Thanks, mom "
She said under her breath. I looked around the room and saw a bunch of pictures of two guys and it looked like we were in a boys' room. She pulled out a box and it had her name on it
" shall we see what she kept "
I pulled out a bunch of mettle's that were tied together
" oh that was from high school I was kinda an overachiever "
She smiled and took them from me and I pulled out a photo album and flipped through it a found a picture of her and a man I'm guessing is her dad
" oh that was when he got to come home for I don't remember but it was something big I remember my mom crying when he walked through the door "
She put somethings back in the box and said
" ok enough about me let's get this room packed up "
After what felt like three hours she said
" ok let's go get something to eat "
When we got downstairs her mom said
" God I thought you were never going to come down "
It looked like they had the kitchen packed up
" Hey mom I'll go get something for dinner ok "
She moved a little and knocked a glass of the table
" I got it, mom "
She quickly started to pick up the pieces and her mom walked over to her and pushed her and she put her hand down. The stood up with a pile of glass in her hand then threw it away
" I'll be back soon "
She gave the woman a quick fake smile and as we were walking she called Ember and she ran down and we got in the car she put a bandage on her hand. We didn't talk as she drove to a diner
" What a fun place "
She said then got out and let the dog out of the back and we walked in
" stay "
She said and the dog sat by the door and we went to the counter and hit the bell
" what can I get ya, Ruby "
" hey Ken "
" so how are you we all heard about what happened "
" Yeah I'm good "
" who's this "
The bigger man behind the counter said
" ok oh well this is Buck, my fiancé "
" congrats what did your mom say "
She didn't respond
" oh I see well whatever you're getting it's on the house "
" Ken no "
" Ruby please it's the least we can do to say thank you for everything you've done "
" fine "
She placed the order and the guy said
" so what do you two do for work "
" firefighter "
We both said and she leaned into me a little
" ok who was the one to pop the question "
We both pointed to her and we all laughed a little
" well here you go "
" thank you see you around "
We turned and she said
" side "
And the dog was instantly next to her and we went back and I could see as we got closer the more and more she almost got sad.

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