Chapter One

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As the sun rises, it shone bright in Mia's room. Luminating her soft features. With her long dark wavy hair, plump lips and flawless skin, she starts to wake up. Last night was her 18th birthday party and the whole town was there to celebrate. It is not every day the Alpha's daughter comes of age and everyone loved Mia Kacey Star.

Mia thought back to the night before. Her father the Alpha knew her too well. Instead of a big ball or party where Mia would be the centre of attention. He arranged for a carnival in her honour. The atmosphere was amazing with lots of bright lights and carnival music playing. Mia got to spend some time with her friends, as they ate popcorn and candy floss. She genuinely loved the strawberry candy floss as she had a serious sweet tooth. They spent the evening going on different carnival rides and playing shooting games. The weirdest was when Mia went to see the carnival gypsy, she thought. Walking into the strange women's tent. There was bright coloured red and orange material hanging from the ceiling in a loose design and strange objects everywhere. "Come in my child" the strange women called from a small room in the tent. Mia walked into the room that the women was in and was greeted by a shock look on the women's face. The women quickly covered up whatever she was feeling. "I am Lady Esmeralda. Come sit and let us see what your future beholds for you." Lady Esmeralda said. Mia quietly went to sit opposite the lady at a small round table. Lady Esmeralda then took Mia's hands in her own and held it tight. She then closed her eyes and seemed to be extremely focused on something. Mia looked at Lady Esmeralda when she started making humming sounds and thought that this might be getting a little too weird for her. Then suddenly Lady Esmeralda opened her eyes. "Your adventures are just about to begin, and it is not going to be an easy one." Lady Esmeralda said in an unusual tone. Mia thought that this was definitely too weird for her and she ran out the tent.

Mia shook her head and that brought her back to her present time where she was still lying in bed. Mia quickly got up and went to shower as today would be her last week of high school. She dressed in a beautiful purple dress with flowers that showed her lovely C cup cleavage and flowed down to the ground. Whiles she was putting on her last touches to her perfect outfit, she heard her mom calling her.

Mia's mother Avery Star shouted, "Mia, come down quickly!"

As Mia got to the kitchen, she saw her younger brother, Jay Brad Star, 16 years old and who has dark hair and blue eyes just like her and her father Brad sitting eating their breakfast. The look on her mother's face could only mean one thing. She was beyond excited. "Good morning everyone" Mia greeted.

"The King is coming to True Waters!" Mia's mom burst out while holding a letter with gold print. "They say that he is interviewing people to fill a position on the king's advisory. I am sure he will find someone from our pack. We have a lot of strong bloodlines in our territory and I know that we can help the king. He will be staying with us at the pack house for two days." The king's advisory is truly an honour for any wolf. Having someone from our pack will give us the kings protection and high standing. Even though it is 2020 and very modern times. It was in a werewolf tradition to still have very tradition Kings and Queens. The werewolf society likes to keep away from humans as we prefer to live in our communities. It makes it much easy to shift and run around free while we lived far away from humans. However, Mia had seen humans come and go through their town. True Waters would never cast away visitors that were passing through.

"Mom, try not to get your hopes up. If it happens, then it happens. However, we are not going to freak out about this because I know you going to go overboard with all the planning." Mia said to her mother. Mia's mother was the Luna of the pack, but she was also known for her over the top parties and pack gatherings. Mia's mother loved the social events and getting to mingle with everyone. Just as an example, Jay's 16th birthday party had so much food that it would have been able to feed two times the pack size.

"Mia, with the king coming we have to host a wonderful Ball in his honour. He would not expect any less from us. It's going to be the best and grandest ball that True Waters has ever seen." Mia mom stated. Mia just shook her head at her mother and thought to herself. "And so it starts."

Mia picked up a piece of toast and started eating it. While chewing she was watching her mother go on. She noticed her father smile in amusement at his over the top Luna and wife. He knew how she could get and that there was no stopping her when she started. However, the love in her father's eye for his Luna was something that would never die down. Mia's father was a strong, firm man but did not speak much. True to the Alpha in him he stood at 6,6 foot and brood shoulder. If he was not her father, then she would be terrified of the man that sat in front of her.

Mia quickly finished her breakfast and got up to leave for school. "You need to hurry back after school so we can go shopping for your new gown" Mia's mom said to her. "Yes, whatever mom." Mia replied while running out of the front door.

As soon as Mia got to school, she was greeted by a spunky blonde with green eyes. Mia's best friend, Zoey. Zoey was your typical beautiful blonde bomb shell which was loud and not shy at all. Which was the total opposite to Mia.

"Hey good-looking" Zoey greeted Mia. "Do you always have to be so loud in the mornings?" Mia asked Zoey. "Well do not blame me, I'm buzzing like an energizer bunny with the news of the kings visit to the pack. I hope the prince comes with." Zoey stated and made a dreamy eyes face and fanned her face. "Ai Zoey" Mia replied rolling her eyes before heading to class.

Mia's day went quickly by and all anyone could talk about was the king and prince coming to True Waters. When school ended Mia headed home after seeing 24 miss calls from her mother. She knew this was going to be a long day.

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