Chapter Forty Five

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Mia woke up the next morning and realized that she must of over slept as the sun was already shining. She must of been tired after last night's episode she thought. This morning her heart was heavy. She had never felt so betrayed before but she was forced to not think about it too much this morning, other wise she would get nothing done. Her bags were packed last night already and were under her bed. Mia quickly went to take a shower but when she came out, she found Chad waiting in her room. "And what do I owe the pleasure of you being here?" Mia said before she could stop herself. "I came to visit my beautiful mate and I was hoping for a lovely kiss good morning." Zac said but Mia saw red. The nerve of this man. She wished she could skin him alive. She regained her composure before replying. "I'm sorry my love but I am not feeling well today. I have been bring up all morning and I would never put you through that." Mia said convincingly. "That is terrible. I need to go speak to my father but I will send for the doctor to come see you in your room." Zac said. "Thank you my love. Send my regards to your father." Mia replied just before Zac left the room. Mia let out a deep breath that was stopping her from crying and breaking down. She could still see those horrible images of Zac from last night and it took a lot for her to hold it in. Mia had to hold herself together so she could get through with this for her pups.

Zelda had won but in a case like this Mia was glad that Zelda had taken Zac because if he was willing to betray her like that then he was not a worthy man in the first place.

Mia quickly got dressed and grabbed her bag. She quickly and quietly left the room and walked towards the garage. There was hundreds of vehicles to choose from and a box full of keys. Then a man came to Mia and asked if he could help her.

"Sorry could I help you Miss?" The tall thin man asked Mia.

"Why yes thank you. I need a vehicle as I am wanting to go shopping for baby clothes." Mia said while pointing at her stomach. "I'm sorry but these vehicles are for the king, the beta and the delta and their family's." He explained. "Well that is perfect then since I am the prince's mate and not to mention currently carrying his pups. Do you think I should go back and tell my mate that you refused to let me use a vehicle and you expected me to walk to the shops? " Mia said firmly. "No.... Ummm... I'm sorry mam... You did look familiar but I was not sure. Let me help you." He explained. "I would like a small car please but not too fancy." Mia asked. He then returned with a Mini Coopers keys and handed it to Mia. She put her bag in the back and drove off.

Mia headed south and went to a train station. She got out and went to buy a train ticket which would of taken her further south. She cleverly used her credit card. However she did not get on the train. She left the vehicle there at the train station and took her bag out. She then took a taxi far north. She thought it would be an excellent way to miss lead them and get them off her tail. She had no doubt that Zac would come after her to finish up loose ends. Mia told herself that she needed to get as far away from him as possible.

Once Mia stopped in a small town called Deep Waters she went to a little diner as she was starving. She walked into the little diner and all eyes were on her. She quickly went to seat at a little booth and waited to be served. A younger man came to the booth. "What can I get you, Miss?" he asked. "Could I please get a cheese burger, fries and a strawberry milkshake." Mia asked politely. Everyone kept staring at Mia and she started feeling uncomfortable. She knew what she must look like. A pregnant runaway.

Suddenly an elderly women's voice boomed. "Can you people just get a life and leave the poor child alone." The older women said. Mia could smell that this older women was the only werewolf in this diner. She then came to sit across Mia and introduce herself. "I'm sorry my child. People in this town is not use to new faces. I'm Anna Black. And you are?" Anna asked while holding out her hand to greet Mia.

Mia thought before responding. "I'm Jasmine New Star" Mia replied and shook Anna's hand.

Then Mia's and Anna's food arrived and they ate quietly. After finishing her food Anna spoke again. "Do you have a place to stay yet?" Anna asked Mia and Mia just shook her head. "Well then you will stay with me. I live alone on a small farm not far from here. It's not much but it is home." Anna said to Mia.

"That would be wonderful, thank you Anna. You are too kind." Mia said. "What type of shewolf would I be if I turned a pregnant shewolf away." Anna said and Mia gave her a sad smile.

Then Mia and Anna left the little town in Anna's old rusty pick up truck and headed for her farm.

Anna gave Mia her own room and there was still additional rooms in her large home. Anna throught that Mia was due soon since she was carrying so big. "I am also trained as a mid wife so will be able to help you here on the farm when you go into labor." Anna explained to Mia. "That won't be necessary yet. I'm still 3 months away from my due date." Mia said. Anna's face looked confused but she did not question Mia. Mia decided that her gut was telling her that she could trust this old shewolf. "I'm carrying twins." Mia said and Anna's face lit up in a big smile. "Oh bless the moon goddess. You are truly lucky my child. Make yourself at home" Anna said and left Mia to settle in.

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