Chapter Seven

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While Zac was sitting in the back seat of his wolf's mind his wolf surge forward towards two large open doors. "Whoever is in here must have been expecting us" Zac said. Zac couldn't help but enjoy the smell hitting his nose. Vanilla, cinnamon and rainfall.

He immediately saw the most beautiful white wolf that he has ever seen in his life, with hypnotic blue eyes. She was standing in front of the bed and staring at him. If that wasn't an invitation for his wolf her next sudden actions brought the thought across. She bared her neck to him in the most submissive way. "My mate!" Bolt suddenly said and Zac was completely stunned. Not only has Bolt finally spoken to him but the words he said threw Zac's thoughts into a whirl wind.

Bolt walk slowly up the the beautiful white wolf to ensure that he does not scare her. He couldn't help himself as he licked her ear and then proceeded to lick her all over. He started walking past her and rubbing his fur up against her. This was to spread his scent all over her and to show any wolf that comes near her that he would kill them without a second thought. The Alpha in him was becoming protective over his unclaimed mate and refused to lose her. She was his! He was proud of his mate that was just standing there in her submissive position throughout his observing and scenting.

Bolt was struggling to not just mark her on the spot but at the same time he was savoring this time with her. "Mine!" Bolt said to Zac to ensure that he knew this one belonged to them. No more other she-wolves will be allowed as none of them could remotely measure up to this beautiful creature in front of them.

Zac panicked as he felt Bolts urge to mark the wolf in front of him. Yes she was a magnificent she-wolf but this was moving too fast and he wanted to keep his options open. Was he ready to settle down? No! Therefore his wolf being in control of the current situation was not good at all. Zac suddenly tried to fight his wolf to take back the control but it was no use. Bolt was not ready to let him ruin this moment.

As Bolt sniff his beauty again he smelt the wonderful scent of her arousal and couldn't hold back. He had to make this shewolf his. It drove him wild as he suddenly mounted her.

It wasn't long before he knotted her. Zac was moaning in the back of Bolts mind "Could you not have any self control?... This is ridiculous... There is no protection or anything... Mating in wolf form guarantee's pregnancy! You moron... What have you done?"

Bolt quickly replied "I also deserve pleasure with my rightful mate and since I was in control you couldn't stop me. It has been enough of you mating with unworthy she wolves when all we needed to do was wait for this amazing reward right in front of us. I also did it because I was sure that you didn't have the guts or the balls to consider our future heir. With this shewolf we will have a strong pup to leave our legacy."

Zac was fuming at his wolf. How could he just take matters into his own hands or paws for that matter. Zac felt like he was not ready to be locked down to only one shewolf when he can enjoy the world's different pickings. However what is done is done. He just needed to wait for the knot to unlock so we could dissappear. This has all been too much for him and he needed to be alone to think.


Mia was in complete shock. What the hell had just happened and why did Annabell just allow it. It was the first time they saw their mate and Annabell acted like a bitch on heat and refused to give her back all the control. Mia started to panic when the realization kick in. She was going to be a virgin 18 year old mother. She hadn't even gotten the chance to meet her mate and spend time to get to know him, much less, she hasn't even seen him. She only got to see his wolf and the two wolves seem to just want to jump each other's bones.

The train of thought continued as Mia worried about what everyone will think. What her parents and pack will think of her or what of her new position of the royal advisor. Was she ready to be a mother? When just the other day she was a pup herself. She was alone in this big palace and only had one friend, Lily. Could she really dump all this out on her new friend?

Mia felt completely drained physically and mentally and just wanted to sleep. Hopefully when she wakes up to find this was all some sort of horrible night mare. That when Annabel and Mia passed out.

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