Chapter Nine

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Mia woke up that morning hoping that everything that happened last night was just a bad dream. Her stomach growled and then she realized that she hadn't eaten anything yesterday.

She got out of bed and went to take a shower and then brushed her teeth.
Once all dressed in her denim shorts and a blue tank top and hightops, she quickly went in search for the kitchen. To her surprise there was a guard on her floor. Where was he last night? She thought to herself. "Nobody stands in our mates way" Annabell decided to throw in her 5 cent piece. "You just keep quiet. You have made enough trouble for me." Mia stated and quickly closed his link to Annabell before she could reply again. Mia walked up to the guard. "Sorry Sir, could you please direct me to the kitchen?" Mia asked politely. The guard looked curiously at Mia and asked "What is a pretty little thing like you doing in the palace? I haven't seen you here before?".

Mia blushed at the compliment but quickly responded, "I am the kings new advisor and I only arrived here yesterday." The guard looked shocked at the statement but quickly covered it up. "Follow me" he said and she followed him down the lift and through many passengers. Mia started to think that she was never going to get fed with all this walking, when the guard stopped in front of the door and she was in such thought that she walked into the back of the guard. "ummm... Sorry" Mia quickly said. The guard laughed. "It's not a problem, it's not like your little frame could hurt me anyways. I'm Mike by the way and you can ask me for directions any day. The kitchens is through that door." he stated and then turned and left her there.

Mia unsurely went into the kitchen only to find it full of busy chefs. She was approached by an older lady. "Good morning young lady. You must be the new royal advisor that Lily mentioned. She was spot on with the description. You absolutely breathtaking. I'm Lee by the way. You must be starving. Have a seat by Chad over there and I'll whip you up something nice." The older women ladies said. "Thank you. You are too kind." Mia quickly said.

Mia looked at the person Lee mentioned as Chad and he was simply put, delicious. He was built like a God with blond hair and light blue eyes that looked very inviting. He looked at Mia and smiled but she could see that he was checking her out. "I don't bite... Well that is unless you into that sort of thing." Chad said well laughing out loudly. "You do not intimated me."Mia stated and went to sit next to Chad. Then Mia suddenly stilled as the scent hit her. Chad must of noticed and asked." what's wrong?"

The smell was coming from Chad. He was her mate Mia concluded in her mind. Well after last night she did not know what to say to him, much less face him. "Nothing" she finally managed to get out a word. They sat in silence as they both ate their burgers but ever so often Chad looked her way and smiled.

"Where are you from? I haven't seen you around here before?" Chad asked while staring at her waiting for an answer.

"I'm sure you don't know everyone in the palace." She smirked as she answered him.  "Well I would know if the most beautiful shewolf I've ever seen in my life was at the palace." he responded looking directly into her eyes. She immediately looked away and tried to hide the blush that was creeping up on her face. "You honestly look even more beautiful when you blush so by all means continue making my day." Chad stated.

"What does one say to such open blunt flirting?" Mia asked. "Well for starters you can tell me your name, your age, where you come from and what you doing for the rest of you life?" Chad cockily said.

"Well my name is Mia. I just turned 18 and I'm from True Waters pack.... Ummmm... Did I get it all?.... Oh and what am I doing for the rest of my life?.... Not you if you don't tone it down." Mia answered Chad but also picked up on his over the top flirting.

Chad burst out laughing and Mia could not make out what he was laughing at. "So you pretty much just told me that I did have a chance with you?" Chad said with a big smile on his face, which Mia could help but find it cute.

Chad confused her. Of course he would have a chance with her. They were mates for crying out loud. Not to mentioned it was almost guaranteed that she with carrying his pup. Luckily for her other wolves would not be able to scent her pregnancy until she was a month along. Also pregnant werewolves only carry for 5 months because the pups are a lot faster at developing.

Mia stood up and gave Chad a kiss on his forehead and said "Down boy!" before leaving the kitchen.

Chad was left wondering who this amazing, beautiful and down right dangerous women was.

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