Chapter Forty

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Life has been good to Zac. He has managed to get his neediness under control by taking his sexual frustration out on Zelda. In Zac's eye this was acceptable since a lot of kings take mistress to satisfy their needs and since he was thinking of Mia while he was working Zelda hard, he hardly saw it as cheating. Plus after the pups were born he planned on stopping using Zelda to sort out his needs. He did feel bad after the first time and that was only because he was in such a sexual trance that he failed to use protection. However that was also the last time he made that mistake and now he carried protection with him where ever he went. He could not afford for Zelda to fall pregnant as well. That would just be a complete mess up and he was not even sure what he would do if that did happen. This morning he woke up feeling great and headed to the shower. Today would be his best friends mating ceremony and he would get a front row seat to the action since he was the first man.

Zac was extremely happy for Chad and he was glad that Chad had found Zoey. It was more of a relief to Zac since Chad had declared his love for Mia and everything seemed to work out just fine. He would of hated to have to kill his best friend but he would have if it had come down to that. Mia was his and only his.

Zac got ready and headed to Chad's chambers. He didn't bother with knocking on the door and walked straight in. Zac then took in the view and started laughing out loud. Both Chad and Zoey were fast asleep and completely naked. Zoey's breast were on full display for Zac's review and he had to admit. They were a pretty good sight, even though it was not as perfect as Mia's. It looked hot nonetheless. The bed sheet only covered the bottom half of Zoey. The laughing woke both of them up and they immediately sat up staring at Zac. "You two little rabbits just couldn't wait, could you." Zac said in a playful tone. "What the fuck man." Chad said but Zac ignored his comment and stared at Zoeys breasts with a lustful look before commenting again. "Nice breasts by the way. I look forward to watching them bounce later on today." Zac teased. Zoey then noticed that she was exposed and quickly grabbed a sheet and covered herself. Zac thought her shocked looked was priceless but he did not expect to suddenly smell arousing in the air coming from Zoey. Then he burst out laughing. "This is just brilliant. Your mate has the hots for me. You want a piece of Alpha, Zoey dear?" Zac said. "Just shut the fuck up and get out so we can get dressed." Chad angrily said. "Why?..... Don't you think that it is only fair that I have one steamy hot round with your mate since you had a round with mine? I'll even use protection to make you feel better about it." Zac taunted Chad. But suddenly the smell of Zoey's arousal increased. She was wet with just the thought of Zac taking her. Zac then sent Zoey a knowing wink and she blushed. "I said get the fuck out of here." Chad demanded. Zac just started laughing again "You are no fun" Zac said to Chad and exited the room.

While Zac left Chad quickly spoke to Zoey. "You have nothing to feel guilty about. It is normal for shewolves to lust after an Alpha. It's the power that they radiate that attracts the shewolves and it's in the shewolves genes to want that. That said.... You are mine and only mine. We will complete our mating ceremony tonight." Chad said. Zoey smiled at Chad and kissed him before getting out of the bed" Only yours" Zoey said. She decided to quick get dressed and go and get ready in her own chamber. "See you tonight my handsome wolf." Zoey said before walking out the door. Zac was waiting outside. "I look forward to seeing you tonight Zoey." Zac said in a seductive tone. Zoey blushed and left.

Zac then marched into Chad's chambers again. "Get showered and get ready, we going out." Zac announced. "We can't go out. It's my mating ceremony tonight." Chad replied.

"Ag stop your worrying. We will be back in time for you to get laid. Like I would miss that shewolf of yours getting naked and pounded. Now get a move on." Zac told Chad. Zac had planned a nice relaxing day for Chad since he was his first man after all.

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