Chapter Twenty Six

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As they arrived in front of the large doors leading to the ballroom, Mia spotted Zac standing there waiting. She smiled brightly at him while she thought what a gentlemen. Zac eyes landed on Mia and suddenly he looked enraged. He pulled Mia one side and spoke in hush angry tones.
"Where the fuck have you been?" Zac said to Mia's surprise. "I was... with Lily" Mia said honestly and tried to not upset him further.

The two other girls stopped to wait for Mia but they could not hear what Zac was saying to her. Zac quickly looked a Lily and Zoey and said "You ladies go ahead, Mia and myself will just be a minute." Zac said in a polite tone. And the two ladies went through the doors to the ball room.

"I think it's time you start acting like a proper mate and stop thinking of yourself so much!" Zac said harshly. "I'm... sorry" Mia replied feeling bad for not even telling him where she was going. "Tonight you will not leave my side. Do you understand me?" Zac said. "Yes" Mia replied nervously. "Good. We will work on your behavior when we get back to my chambers." Zac said before hooking his arm into Mia's and walking towards the Harold. He softly whisper an order to the Harold before the doors opened.

Together they walked into the room. Mia felt how the electrical pleasure spikes went up her arm from the contact with Zac. However she was very scared of the wolf that was her mate. As they stepped in the room Mia was blown away by the elegance. Zac came to a stop and they were standing in front of a giant white stair case. Mia looked down and saw hundreds of people. There was a trumpet that sounded and everyone stopped what they were doing and every pair of eyes immediately looked at them. Then the Harold announced them. "The royal prince of all Alpha's and future king, Prince Zachary Levi Blackwell and his mate and future queen, Mia Kacey Star from True Waters pack."

A roar of everyone clapping hands at the same time could be heard in the large hall and Zac stood still to let everyone admire them. At that moment Mia thought she could just die of embarrassment. Zac then started walking slowly down the stair smiling at everyone and he whisper angrily "Smile!" Mia immediately put on the best smile she could. She saw male wolves eyes looking hungry and lustful over her body and shewolves looking at her with disdain. Mia quickly lowered her eyes and completed the walk down the stair case.

Then Zac walked to a group of people while dragging Mia along with him and they quickly bowed before him. "Rise" Zac said. "Good evening Gentlemen. Dane I would like you to meet my mate, Mia." Zac politely said. "Mia, I would like you to meet my future Delta, Dane Edward Alexander" Zac added. "It's very nice to meet you Dane." Mia said to the red-haired man which Zac was speaking to. Dane politely smiled at Mia and replied. "No my future Luna Queen, the pleasure is all mine."

That was the last time that Zac had introduced her to anyone as he went from group to group speaking to everyone. Mia just remained quiet. Most of the men's eyes glazed up and down her body which was highly inappropriate but Zac did not seem to mind. He was enjoying other wolves lusting over what was his and showing her off as a piece of arm candy.

Mia was very uncomfortable with the whole event but nothing could prepare her for the next group of people that had a few shewolve.

"Good evening My prince. You look dashing tonight" A blonde beautiful shewolf said to Zac. She did not even bother to look in Mia's direction. "Thank you Zelda. You look very stunning yourself." Zac replied. "I see your mate is finally standing by your side. I believe she is undeserving of your arm. Which future Luna queen would test the waters with the beta before trying the alpha." Zelda rudely added. Zac just laughed at her comment. While everyone's eyes looked at Mia.

"It would seem that not everyone has the right judgment of who is the best the first time round." Zac told Zelda while smiling and then he added a wink. Mia pulled her arm loose from Zac's and left in the direction of the door in which she came.  Zac tried to catch her arm but she managed to weave through the crowds quicker than him.

Mia did not want to go to Zac's chambers so she headed for the gardens. As she ran into the gardens she saw Zoey and Chad kissing by a bench in the far distance. Mia was suddenly confused and was not sure how she felt about the two of them together. They did not notice Mia was there so she quietly slipped away to another part of the garden.

Once completely alone she sat on the grass with this huge dress circling her.   She could not burst out crying like she wanted to because she was still to angry. A single lone tear leaked down her face. When suddenly she heard a voice.

"Such a beauty like your yourself, should never cry." A strong calm males voice said.

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