Chapter Twenty Four

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Mia thought she would atleast get a day or a week before moving into the prince's chambers but he had not allowed it. As she got to her room the guards had already removed her personal belongings. However she wasn't ready to go to the prince's chambers just yet. It was only 13:00 and it was still too early to go and sleep.

Mia received a text from Lily telling her that both of them were going to be fitting dresses today for the ball and that Mia had to met her in the tailors room. Mia saw the guard Mike in the passage. "Sorry to bother again Mike. How would I get to the tailors room." Mia politely asked. Mike smiled at Mia and then replied "Just follow me." She quickly followed Mike and soon found herself outside a door that said "Tailor" on it. Mia went inside and saw that it was a very large room with hundreds of ball gowns everywhere. They had ball gowns in all different colors and designs.

Then Mia spotted Lily and her sister trying on ball gowns. She walked up to Lily. "Hi Ladies. Nice to see you again Jenny" Mia said. They both greeted Mia back but it was not very comfortable with Jenny as she was quite the serious type of person. Mia was busy looking at the dresses when the door opened and Zoey entered by running and flying into Mia's arms. "I missed you so much girlfriend." Zoey said softly. "I missed you too." Mia said.

Then Mia quickly introduced the girls to each other. Unsurprisingly Mia and Zoey quickly became friends which made Mia smile. She loved those two girls.

Each chose a dress and went to change so that they could do a nice little modeling show.  Lily chose a sky blue ball gown and it looked lovely with her light brown hair and blue eyes. Zoey chose a bright yellow ball gown with silver embroidery which make this beauty blonde stand out. Jenny surprised everyone with a suit piece set that was beige in colour but still looked gorgeous on her.

Even though Mia did not normally wear ball gowns, she felt like it would be best. All the other shewolves looked amazing in there dresses. Mia stepped out the change room with a little help from the tailor. Suddenly all  the shewolve went quiet and then gasped when they saw her in a royal blue off the shoulder ball gown. The design had an intricate pattern of leaves and flowers with diamonds and glitter. "Oh my Goddess, you look amazing Mia." Zoey said. "That dress is perfect for you and you look just like a princess. No offense to the two princess in the room." Zoey continued.

"More like fit for a queen!" Lily replied and both sisters laughed but Zoey seemed lost. Mia shook her head at Lily. She hadn't gotten the chance to tell Zoey yet about all the crazy things that had happened in her life. "Yeah sadly I'm possibly the future queen." Mia admitted. "Not possible, she is the future Royal Queen Luna." Lily corrected Mia. Zoey's face lit up by this news. "What? How did this happen?" Zoey excitedly asked. "Mia is my brothers mate!" Lily informed Zoey and she continued to tell Zoey all the juicy gossip that has been happening. Including the fact that Mia was currently pregnant.

"Oh Mia. Your life has been crazy. I've missed so much but I'm here for you now. The king said I could stay for a few weeks to help you settle in." Zoey said well embracing Mia.

Mia truly felt blessed and loved to have both of her best friends by her side and there to support her.

Jenny left and the three shewolves went to Zoey's room. As the were all sitting on the oversized bed Zoey spoke up. Lily order some wine laced with wolfsband and a few snacks and all three of them were drinking and chatting away. "I still haven't found my mate. I was certain that it would have been someone from True Waters but sadly it was not.... I don't want to leave the True Waters pack but it would seem my fate has other plans for me." Zoey explained. Mia understood where Zoey was coming from. She felt the same way but then fate decided to play games with her life."No matter what pack you land up in and where you go, you will always have us. We would even be there for you if you decided to turn rouge." Mia told Zoey. The girls continued to talk and did not notice that the darkness had already drawn over the skies. The next moment all the girls had passed out together on the bed.

******* What are you all thinking of the book so far? Do you have a favorite character yet? Drop a comment below.......

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