Chapter Forty Six

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The week has been hectic. He had not stop interviewing people in search of his mate. The only lead he had was that she got onto a train and headed south. Zac had sent out hundreds of royal guards in search of his mate and not one has even found a foot print of where she might be. He was terrified that she might have been kidnapped and now everyone was a suspect until he deemed them clear. He knew Mia was not close to the palace because his sex drive went back to normal.

This morning he had Zelda in the dungeon tied to a chair. He was not in the playful mood. He walked around her with slow steps. She was very intimidated by him and was shaking in fear. "So what do you know about my mates disappearance?" Zac asked in a menacing tone. Zelda was trembling. "I know nothing my prince." Zelda said. "Do not lie to me. I can hear it in your voice. It's obvious that you wanted to make your place in my bed permanent so tell me what you know and I might just spare your life." Zac said in a low voice. Zelda seemed to be shocked by his words and she said not answer Zac immediately. "You better answer me. My patience is running out here." Zac said while raising his voice. "I'm sorry my prince. I had nothing to do with her disappearance.... I do know something but I really had nothing to do with her going missing... I was jealous of her but would never harm her." Zelda pleaded. "Tell me what you know now!" Zac said while loosing his patience. "She saw us.... That night... When you were taking me from behind... I saw her open the door... She had witnessed everything." Zelda admitted. Zac took a few steps back and started shaking his head. That is impossible he thought. He had gone to check on her that evening. "That is impossible. She was fast asleep that evening. I checked on her myself." Zac commented. "What about the marking?" Zelda countered. "What about it?" Zac asked. "Well since she was marked... She would be able to feel you sleeping with another shewolf.... The bond would cause the mark to burn." Zelda explained. "Fuck it." Zac said to no one in particular. He was suddenly so upset with himself. How could he have been so stupid. Why didn't he think of the binding through his mark? Zac grabbed the chair which was a cross from Zelda and threw it against the wall. The chair shattered in many pieces. Then he stormed out of the dungeon.

It all suddenly became clear to Zac what had happened. Mia had witnessed him taking another shewolf. He could imagine how horrified she must have been. That would answer why she refused to kiss him that morning. She left him and she took his pups with her. He had lost his true mate. Zac suddenly felt something that he never felt in his life. He could only explain it as guilt and heartbreak.

Zac immediately mindlinked all the Royal guards. "You will find my mate. Mia could not have gotten very far. She is pregnant with the heir and if anyone touches one hair on her head they will die a slow painful death by my hand." Zac said through the mindlink and then provided them all with a picture of Mia from his memory.

Zac decided that he would find his mate and his pups. He would even lock her up if he had to but he was going to make her see that she belongs with him. He felt he needed to explain to her that Zelda meant nothing as she was just there to satisfy his needs until he was able to take his mate again. He was sure Mia would understand if he had chance to tell her. However he realized that he did not treat Mia as his mate. He had watch how his father had treated his mother when she was alive and he suddenly felt guilty. He treated Mia more like a sex slave than a mate.

He thought he just needed her back to make this right. She needed to be brought back to the palace safely.

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