Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


The morning of the ball.

Mia slipped out of the pack house early before anyone could see her. Her anxiety when she woke up this morning could only mean one thing; her wolf was restless from not running.

As she reached the end of their pack houses. She had just passed the beautiful lush gardens and then she approached the thick line of trees which indicated that she neared the woods which was in their back yard. She then shifted into her stunningly breath-taking pure white wolf. Her wolf's name was Annabell. Annabell was the complete opposite to Mia. She was feisty and sharp with her words. For the past week Mia kept the link between her and Annabell close so she could have some peace and quiet. However, Annabell did not like this at all. Since turning 18 Annabell just wanted to mate and Mia struggled to keep her in check. Once a wolf becomes of age, they have it in their nature to produce to keep their bloodline going and strong, which is why many wolves often take on sexual partners before finding their mate to slate the needs. Mia's only way to control the urge was to close the link but Annabell did not like it one bit and moaned immediately as soon as the link opened.

"Honestly, do you have to always be so anti-social. Damn humans." Annabell said. It felt good to take off and run in wolf form as all the trees and logs passed her by in lightning speed. Mia ignored answering Annabell as she knew it would make her continue ranting. Mia ran for an hour before her legs tired and she stopped by a stream to rest. Mia looked into the water and saw her rippled reflection of her beautiful wolf. Mia was truly proud of the wolf that the moon goddess blessed her with even if Annabell did annoy her a lot. Annabell continued to talk. "Cole would have been the perfect wolf to stand in while we wait for our mate. His sexy abs would have done well rubbing up against us." Annabell stated before she was cut off by Mia. "Annabell can you not keep your hormones in check."

Annabell only responded by sending images in her mind of Cole naked and on top of her. Mia shook her head to get the images out of her mind before heading back to the pack house to start getting ready as it was getting late. Once she arrives at the edge of the woods, she realizes that when she shifted, she did not think about carefully taking off her clothes and she shredded it. Now she was stuck with the predicament of sneaking naked back into the pack house and hope nobody sees her. She looked at the mansion style pack house which had a red brick finish. She knew that the packhouse was always busy with people. However, this time she might be lucky as most of the pack was most probably getting ready for the ball.

Mia quickly dashed for the front door and as soon as she stepped in the doorway, she stopped dead at the sight before her. None other than Cole stood in front of her staring. Mia quickly tried to cover up using her hands to shield her proper bits, but it did not stop Cole from openly checking her out and with the lust in his eyes she knew what he wanted. Mia tried to speak but the words just would not come out. In that moment Mia thought she could just die from embarrassment. Instead she made a quick dash to her bedroom which was in the Alpha's quarters.

Later the day.

Once we were all ready and dressed to perfection in Mia's moms' eyes. They sat at the main table in the big banquet hall to wait the arrival of the King. Mia sat enjoying her champagne since they did not often get to drink it. And since werewolf's were immune to alcohol, all the alcohol they drank was laced with wolfsbane. Lacing alcohol with wolfsbane would not kill a werewolf but it did have the effects to weaken their system to allow the alcohol to take effect. Before she could feel the efforts, her mother grabbed her drink and gave her a stern look of disapproval. Mia rolled her eyes at her mother's behaviour. She was 18 already and she should be allowed to consume alcohol now. But Mia knew it was because Mia's mother wanted to make a good impression in front of the King and having an intoxicated daughter would not look to well.

Not long afterwards, there was a trumpet sounded to announce the king's arrival. Everyone stood up from their seats. Mia had never seen the king before but heard stories of his greatness. As the king came into view Mia noticed that he was very handsome. He had dark hair with a bit of it greying. He also had the brightest green eyes. He was dressed in his royal uniform with a crown on his head. The king was not accompanied by anyone since the queen passed away years ago. Walking behind the king was two stunning shewolves and each were wearing a Tiara. Mia knew it was the princesses.

Mia's father quickly went up to the king. He quickly bowed and said "A warm welcome to True Waters your majesty. I am Alpha Brad. We hope you had a nice journey and we truly blessed to have your presence in our pack." Mia's father was still in the bowed position with his eyes directed to the floor and so was everyone in the banquet hall.

"Please rise" the Kings voice boomed through the hall.

The king then turned to the ladies behind him and said "This is my daughter's princess Lily and princess Jenny."

Mia's father turned and introduced our family. "This is my wife Avery, my son Jay and my daughter Mia." "It's a pleasure to meet you and your family Alpha Brad. Your daughter truly has remarkable beauty which one can see comes directly from her mother." Mia's father held back a growl as his wolf did not like his mate or daughter being looked at or spoke to like that. However Alpha Brad only put a smile on his face and replied. "Thank-you your majesty. Please have a seat and enjoy the ball in your honour."

We were seated around the big banquet table when the king started discussing possible war with a small pack down south called Black Oak pack. He was explaining that they have been carelessly shifting and running around. Since werewolves are meant to stay hidden from humans, it runs a threat of exposing us to the world and the king could not allow it.
I would normally keep quiet due to my shy nature but I could not hold back. If there was a chance, I could stop a pack from getting hurt. "War is not always the best option my King." before Mia could stop herself everyone had stopped what they were doing and looked at her and the king's eyes held amusement and gestured her to continue. Mia shy continued "I don't....... Ummm... believe that hurting people should be the first resort." Mia then looked down at her plated when the king replied. "Then what would suggest I do about my little problem at Black Oaks?" The king continued to stare at Mia waiting for her answer.

Mia's heart was pounding in her chest. Why did she have to put herself in this position? While the king waited and everyone remained silent Mia replied to the king." Ummm..... With all due respect My King. With all your resources you have you could easily place someone from your court in Black Oaks to educate them and show them the right way. They could also be your eyes and ears in the pack to make sure everything runs smoothly. Like an ambassador". Everyone looked at the king as they waited his reaction. In the silence he started clapping his hands. "Well done. Your ideas are very refreshing." The king stated.

Throughout the rest of the evening we ate and I kept my head down and did not speak up again as the chatter continued. Later the evening Cole came up to Mia. Mia could feel how your heart started beating fast as he approached her. "I am sorry for what happened earlier today. I should have looked away, but I couldn't. Never in my life have I seen you look more beautiful as you did standing there in front of me." Cole said but Mia was not sure where to put her face as it suddenly got a lot hotter in the ball room. Cole must have noticed Mia's nervousness and spoke up again. "Would you like to dance?" He asked. Mia just nodded her head gently, confirming that it was okay.

At the end of the evening the King asked to speak with the Alpha and his family in private. They all went to Mia's father's office and waited for the king to speak. "I know it was not long for me to make my decision. But Mia will be joining us at the palace and will take her place in our court as the royal advisor." The king announced. Everyone was shocked. Mia's mother was bouncing with happiness and Mia's father looked happy but a bit sad at the same time. The princesses was caught off guard as they did not expect the king to make the decision on his first visit to a pack. After all he was still meant to visit 14 other packs.

*** Since this is my first book, I would love to welcome any feed back. Please don't forget to like any of the chapter as you support goes a long way. ***

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