Chapter Thirty Two

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Mia was in the hospital wing of the palace and a lovely shewolf with curly long blonde hair came to help her.

"Welcome to the pack" The doctor said with a bright smile and was looking at Mia's cut. "I'm Dr Jane. It's a pleasure to finally meet you Mia. I heard a lot about you from Lily... She actually made you an appointment with me for tomorrow but since you here now, how can I help you other than assisting you with your welcoming wound." Dr Jane asked Mia. Suddenly Mia knew exactly why Lily made an appointment for her. Her pregnancy. Lily was such a caring soul and was looking out for her and her child." Doctor?.... If I tell you something in confidential. Would you keep it between us?" Mia asked nervously as she was not sure if she could trust the doctor. However if Lily  had chosen this pack doctor out of all the doctors in the hospital then it should show she could trust her. "Call me Jane. And of course, what is said to me will remain between doctor and patient. Now what seems to be the problem?" Jane said while looking at Mia.

"I think I might be.... pregnant." Mia confessed.

"That is great news. Let's clean up your wound and then go through to the ultra sound room." Jane said with a smile and Mia just nodded in response.

Jane quickly and gently cleaned the wound and added a special cream. She then wrapped it up in gauze and a bandage. "It will take up to a week to heal since silver was used but my special blend of herbs should speed up the healing process. Just apply this cream every morning and you'll be as good as new." Jane explained. "Thank you Jane." Mia responded.

"Come now Mia. Lets go see if we get to meet a new little pack member." Jane said while leading Mia to the ultrasound room.

Mia walked into a small room which had a lot of equipment, a large TV screen and a small hospital style bed. "I'm sorry to ask this but since you wearing a tight fitted dress, I'm going to need you to change into a hospital gown." Jane said to Mia. Jane stepped out of the small room to give Mia some privacy and Mia quickly changed.

When Jane returned she spoke in a calming professional voice. "Could you please get onto the bed. I'm going to lift the gown so I can get access to your abdomen." Jane explained everything before she did it which helped Mia feel a lot more comfortable. "So now I'm going to apply the ultra sound gel so we can see the pictures clearly." Jane said and then proceeded to squeeze this cold gel on Mia's stomach and put one ear phone in her ear which was plugged into the machine. Mia then saw her grab a small device that lit up at the end. "This is the ultra sound machine. It won't hurt at all but you will feel it gliding over your stomach as it scans." Jane explained and then proceed to use the machine on Mia's stomach. She then positioned the device in a few different places and angles. Mia noticed that the doctor looked very intrigued by the screen. Mia could not see what had gotten the doctor so deep in thought as all she could see was black and white images which did not make any picture in Mia's mind. Jane then started zooming in and suddenly smiled.

"Doctor what's happening?" Mia asked as the suspense was killing her.

The doctor quickly looked at Mia and said "Congratulations.. You are in fact pregnant... With twins." Mia suddenly paled at the words. It was extremely rare for a werewolf to have twin pups. The doctor quickly held Mia's hand noticing how shocked she looked.

"It is truly a miracle. Listen." Jane said while she unplugged the ear phones and put it on loud speaker. Then the most beautiful sound Mia had ever heard in her life sounded through the room. The two galloping fast heart beats soothed Mia's worries. In that moment everything was perfect for her. "Look here." Jane said while smiling brightly. Jane then showed Mia two tiny babies in the image of the screen and Mia instantly fell in love with them. "Are they boys or girls?" Mia asked lovingly. "I will only be able to tell for certain in a weeks time. If I reveal now what I see, then I might be providing you with the wrong information." Jane honestly told Mia. "But I can tell you that your babies are very strong, healthy and growing at a rapid rate. One can easily see that these two are of the Royal alpha bloodline." Jane continued. "Please don't tell anyone." Mia quickly said while holding her stomach in a protective manner. "Your secret is safe with me, Mia." Jane said.

Mia was suddenly the happiest shewolf alive after seeing and hearding her babies heartbeats.

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