Chapter 2

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Seokjin woke up on his and his husband's shared bed without a sign of Taehyung

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Seokjin woke up on his and his husband's shared bed without a sign of Taehyung. He gets off the bed and stretch before he scans the room for awhile. First thing that went into his mind is that he is in his office.

"I forgot to ask him about the change of interiors on his office." Seokjin said and heads out of the room. Making his way to his office, he have noticed that some of the interiors already arrived, which means he can plan the style a little early. Of course they have noticed him walking across as they greeted him.

A knock was heard on Taehyung's office. A faint voice asked him to come in. He entered his office and silently closing the door behind him. There is Taehyung, on his swivel chair, looking so hardworking. His brows knitted together folding through hundreds of files and books. Everytime he gets serious on something, it never fails him to look sexy.

Seokjin then frowned, it seemed like Taehyung didn't noticed him. This past few days, something has been off to Taehyung. He always says he got extra work and got a client to meet up, which Seokjin understands and lets it all slip behind.

He slowly walk his way towards his husband, his hips swaying side by side looking at Taehyung who still seems unbothered. Seokjin then rest his arms on the desk as he leans in, puts his index finger on the younger's chin, lifting it up making him looked at him. He then gave him a peck on the lips making the younger stare at him, his eyebrows still kneeted.

"And good morning to you." Seokjin smiled before letting go.

"May I ask what my lovely husband is doing at my office?" A smirk let out of Taehyung face. He just love Seokjin's boldness so much.

"I wanna ask for a permission, love."

This made Taehyung tilt his from the side. Seokjin is not totally the type of guy who will ask for permission. He knows what he is doing and what he will do.

"What is it?" He asked with a stern voice.

"Im thinking about renovating your office." he looked at him with a cheeky smile.

Taehyung raised his brows. He actually doesn't want his things to be touched. If taking about organizing, its Taehyungs thing. He have every place and he knows exactly where it needs to be put.

"Do I have a choice to reconsider it?"

"Of course you do" Seokjin chuckles "Its your office afterall."

Taehyung then nods his head grabbing his husband's arms softly before kissing his finger tips, causing Seokjin to flash a sweet smile.

"I will reconsider then."

The younger then grabbed Seokjin making him seat on his lap, facing him as his hands forming circles on his back making the older bite his lower lips.

"Love?" Taehyung said in a stern tone.


"How about...we try again?" he burried his head on his shoulder.

This words struck on Seokjin. He is just afraid that it will fail once again and Taehyung will fully leave him behind. Its like everytime it fails, Taehyung slowly lost interest.

"Love you know its hard-" Seokjin sighed.

"Please? This is the last time. I promise." he begged.

This made the older smirk, Taehyung always makes promises but never does them. He hates himself for not being able to provide his husband a child, an heir. But this made Seokjin rethink and maybe they will give it a go. Maybe 4th time is a charm who knows?

"Fine then. We will try once again." He let out a faint smile as Taehyung hugged him tighter.

"Thank you, love."

Just as they were getting intimate, a knock was heard on the door causing Seokjin to stand up, Taehyung went back to his swivel chair.

Seokjin opened the door revealing Namjoon. This made Seokjin's eyes widen before he greets him. Namjoon have seen Seokjin before since he had attend their wedding, its just him though since Jungkook didn't make it and is very busy that time.

"Did I disturb something?" Namjoon said wiggling his brows to Taehyung who just laughs and shakes his head.

"I will now leave, since I will design some interiors." Seokjin leaned to Taehyung to give him a quick peck on the lips before heading out of the office. The older want to respect both of their privacy and he doesn't want to disturb them.

"You really did got a rare one Dr.Kim. How lucky of you." he sits on the couch.

"And good thing you have visit." Taehyung looked up at him.

"I can't? I have missed you for too long." Namjoon replied pouting his lips causing Taehyung to laugh.

A long silence came by and Namjoon decides to cut it off.

"He still can't give you and heir?"

This question made Taehyung's ear perked up. Its like he doesn't want to answer it. Him and his husband are very sensitive when it comes to this topic. He then just shakes his head from side to side.

"Alright then lets move out to that topic." Namjoon raised both of his hands up the air. "Lets go and talk to those who can produce."

"How was the waiter?"

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