Chapter 6

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Seokjin end up infront of a luxery casino

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Seokjin end up infront of a luxery casino. He has to be honest, but he has never been into a casino before. But this casino is different than others. Its in a high quality, he even saw some artist and famous person comming in and out. Yes, he has been at Korea all his life but he's totally innocent when it comes to casino's.

Gripping his bag, he entered the casino and just as he entered, a girl, wearing a suit came up to him, and some guards behind, surprising him.

"Are you Kim Seokjin?" She asked.

"Y..yes thats me." He greets her before he nods his head.

"Then please follow me."

The girl in the suits then walked into the crowd as he follows behind. His eyes roamed around the casino. Middle aged men surrounded every corner of this place, same as escorts who is glaring at him. He also have noticed the interiors of the casino, it looks old fashioned.

'Maybe he is not the owner of Jeon's Interior at all?' he thought.

They entered the elevator as the girl pushed the button to the top floor.

"Im Mr. Jeon's secretary if ever you're wondering."

Seokjin slowly nods his mouth forming an 'O' as he looks up at her. Now he knew why she acted all like that. She acts so sharp, its like every action of her is calculated. This leaves Seokjin curious on what Mr. Jeon actually is, since he had a secretary so strict. Probably just some middle aged man, the usual ones.

They have arrived at the top floor. There is nothing in there really, only one room that looks big, probably Mr. Jeons office, and a small office beside it. The wall of his office is glass but his face is barely visible on it.

"Please wait here." His secretary demands and wents inside.

Seokjin then decides on taking a seat on the luxerious white couch outside the office. The interiors here are actually better, it looks modern and the way its designed is very unique.

"Please do come in now. He is asking for your presence" The secretary looked at him.

Bringing his shoulder bag and few of the designs he did, then he rose up from his seat, slowly making his way to the office.

As he entered the room, the smell of musk perfume greeted him. The smell is very similar to Taehyung's perfume but it hits different. Its too strong that it will probably stick on your clothes too.

Seokjin get a clearer vision on the man sitting on his desk as his eyes immadiately widen as he saw a handsome guy on his 20's, looking at the files. He is wearing a grey coat over his jet black turtle neck, with some slacks to tuck it in. He is looking like a decent wealthy upperclass.

The man finally noticed him and looks at him, not literally looking. More like staring which made him very uncomfortable. Is it because I dolled up too much?

"Good Evening, Mr. Jeon." Seokjin then brushed up everything and acted professional as he greets him.

"Did I make you wait?" he leaned on his swivel chair. "Kim Seokjin am I right? I am Jeon Jungkook, CEO of this hotel and casino."

"I haven't seen a worker getting this dolled up, Mr. Kim. Its as if you're really put up with me." Jungkook said with confidence.

"Excuse me?" He whispered.

Seokjin just looked at him with disbelief. How come another person have noticed this and not my own husband? I really wanna change in pajamas if I want too.

"So what is your work for me, Mr. Jeon?" Seokjin then changed the topic as he starts to get embarrassed.

"I want you to change the interior at the casino for me." he said "Please show me some of your designs." Jungkook then assigned his secretary to show his designs to him.

Seokjin showed some of his sketches styles and design on the monitor as he explained the benefits on it. Jungkook really is not paying attention to his designs, he want the designer himself. Ever since he first laid his eyes on him, he got locked up on his innocent face and his name is now stuck into his mind. Comparing his face at the monitor, he is much better.

As the presentation finished, Jungkook agreed on some designs for his casino. Its also very attractive when someone has the same style as yours.

"Okay then," Jungkook rose up on his seat. "Follow me at the casino. We will plan it out."

As for Seokjin, he just followed him behind. Jungkook then stopped his tracks and called for his secretary.

"Clear the casino and hand him the list of our interiors." Jungkook assigned his secretary before proceeding.

His secretary then gave the list of Seokjin and contacted the guards to let the guests leave. Flipping through some of the pages, he had fine the perfect combinations. He went to see the covers which made him raised his brows. Jeon Jungkook really is the owner of Jeon interior.

They have arrived at the casino but Jungkook still saw some people which made his brows frowned.

"Im sorry sir, but they won't get out." One guard came over to him.

"Move out." Jungkook said in a stern tone before he went to the nearest fire alarm, breaks the seal with the axe and break the alarms off making Seokjin flinched because of the loud sound it creates. The guest then starts rushing out of the casino.

"Yah. You shouldn't do that Mr. Jeo--"

"Close the casino down!" He shouts angrily before he looks at Seokjin, his expression changed real quick.

"Shall we get this started, Mr. Kim?" He smiled at Seokjin who still looked shocked.

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