Chapter 10

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"We're here

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"We're here." Taehyung unbuckled his seatbelt.

He pulled up infront of a bar named Latitude-12. I remember Hoseok and Yoongi suggested this place. They said that the drinks here are top notch. I drink alcohol but im really not the type to get wasted. Aside from all of that it looks expensive and its empty.

"Have you asked for reservation?" I asked as I stepped out of his car. Knowing Taehyung, he usually forgets setting reservations and appointments. The first time they went to a date on an expensive place, Taehyung forgot reserving so we end up eating on their house.

"No," My eyes went wide looking at him anticipating for his next answer, "I rented the bar for tonight."

Surprising. I didn't expect we will go to a bar but, Taehyung mention this as their 'usual spot' ever since their jhs days, and it bring back a lot of memories for them. I also didn't expect him to rent this bar for the whole evening.

Just a minute of waiting, Hoseok and Yoongi finally pulled up beside our car as they got out.

"Shall we go? I bet they are already waiting inside." Yoongi said.

All of us entered the bar as I looked around the interiors, trailing beside them. It actually looked good. The bar is actually not that big. It looks kind of edgy and gives you an intoxicating feeling. The drinks here are probably expensive. But trust me, Taehyung and my friends probably won't look at the prices.

As I looked around, I noticed a strong bump behind me, that made me almost lose my balance.

"Oh sorry about-" I apologize thinking its a waiter or something but when I turned around to look at it, I froze and my eyes got wide, same as the man I bumped into.

"You're.." The man spoked out.

"Mr. Jeon?" I tilted my head. Wait how is he here? I thought Taehyung rented this out for his squad- wait, could it be?

We have caught everyone's attention as they looked over to us, including Taehyung.

"Oh you knew each other?" Taehyung then cut as off with a smile, as he puts his arms around my waist.

I nod looking at my husband before looking back at Jungkook, who seemed dumbfolded. "Well, Mr. Jeon is the client that im trying to mention to you." But I end up mentioning nothing because you keep on changing the topic and sliding it off.

"It looks like you have already met my husband, Kookie." Taehyung said smiling.

Jungkook just keeped silent for a while before he nods and smirk, "Yes, I totally didn't expect that he is already married, Tae. I didn't know he is a lucky guy to have you." Looks like the world is small afterall.

"He is my squadmate who just came back home from States." Taehyung explained to me. He actually looks kind of happy that im working with Jungkook, since he trusted him and how is my husband friend of this guy?

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