Love Lockdown: 09

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"This is the suite we will be staying," Jungkook said before opening the door

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"This is the suite we will be staying," Jungkook said before opening the door.

Seokjin finally feels at peace when they arrived in the room. It means he can take his long rest after the whole day. After being dragged around by Hoseok and Yoong towards their way up. Namjoon have also greeted them on the lobby after his bad time on the bathroom.

As Seokjin entered the room, he was welcomed by the luxerious room infront of him. Its consist of a living room, a kitchen, and two bedrooms.

"Don't worry, Namjoon and the others is staying at the opposite room." Jungkook added as he leans on the doorway, crossing both of his arms.

"Are the luggage already here?" Seokjin asked.

"Yes, Irene have already assigned some hotel staff." Jungkook replied, closing the door behind him as he walk towards the older.

Seokjin really feels weird and nervous whenever they are alone together on a room. But he got no choice since a personal assistant need to be close as possible to his boss. The atmosphere suddenly went hot.

His eyes trailed Jungkook as he walk towards him. His pulse is starting to race once again. But Seokjin clearly knew about the intimacy between them. Even though they didn't say it to each other, they knew.

"Now that we're alone..." Jungkook said.

Seokjin noticed his seductive eyes peering into his and slowly take a step back without thinking. Everytime Jungkook take an inch closer, Seokjin take yet another step backwards. Seokjin's legs then hit the sofa, making him sit down.

"Seokjin, let me help you. I can paint over that again and remake you as my own." The sofa spring creaks as Jungkook put his weight down on one of the cushions.

'Wait, isn't this too quick?' He thought

"But w-wait we just arrived-" Seokjin got cut off when he looked over at Jungkook's gaze at him.

One second, Seokjin saw a smile flicker on Jungkook's face, and then a heartbeat. Seokjin then looked up on the ceiling, his whole body is now burning up and he can't blame the temperature for that. He is stunned when Jungkook takes his wrist and pins them above his head.

"J-jungkook..." A small whimper left out of his mouth.

Seokjin can't understand why his body allows this to happend. Its as if he is also longing for him and he feels somewhat ashamed. His body feels so heavy right now and his mind is all over. He can't think straight anymore. What did this guy do to him?

Jungkook nuzzled his head against Seokjin's neck as he beguns to suck at the skin. Seokjin let out a small whimper on the wet sensation on his neck. Its been a long time since Seokjin felt something this sweet.

The sensation confounds his brain as adrenaline sends his heart racing. Jungkook slowly trails kisses up his neck and the instant Seokjin feels his hot breath on his earlobe, made his whole body quakes with desire.

"There's something sexy and naughty about a divorcee." Jungkook inhale, sniffing the skin behind Seokjin's ear making his cheeks flush.

'Excuse me? This is seriously comming out of nowhere.' The older thought. He haven't expected any of this. And he doesn't understand whats running on Jungkook's mind right now. Seokjin somehow still feels dizzy on the flight and he got into this situation real quick.

"Jungkook?" Seokjin said.

"Hmm?" Jungkook replied still continuing on his actions.

"Go to hell." Seokjin noticed Jungkook halts on what he is doing and pulls up to face him.

Jungkook takes seconds to stare at him before letting out a heavy sigh. The older is expecting him to get mad and hate him. Maybe words is the only way that can stop this. Even if his body actually desired for this.

"I'm working on it." Jungkook then works his jaw.

The answer made Seokjin's jaw drop and a smirk paint on Jungkooks face. He didn't expect him to answer that way and he didn't intend him to say that. This guy is the devil himself; crooked grin, devilish features, and a dangerous voice. Somebody save him from this guy.

"Im not sure if you're flirting or starting a fight?" Jungkook continues.

'How the hell is that flirting for you? Freak.' The older thought, biting hus lower lips.

With Jungkook's hands bound above his head, he hangs over Seokjin, monolithic and unmoving. Then his free hand leisurely begins to unbutton his blouse. He leans over to him, bringing his face closer to Seokjin.
Seokjin then knows what's about to happend as he closes his eyes, anticipating the kiss.

He waits, his heart is banging throughout his chest but he doesn't feel anything. Seokjin also feels Jungkook's hand have stopped working on his blouse. Wonder what's going on, Seokjin hesitantly opens his eyes. He is stared at Jungkook who is now looking away.

"Is there a problem?" Seokjin asked.

"The problem is," he said as he withdraw, letting go of Seokjin's arms.

"If I kissed you once again, I don't think I'd be able to stop." He runs his fingers through his hair before letting out a sigh.

Seokjin's face immadiately went red as the younger backs out. His blouse is loose, exposing his bare chest. As he noticed, he immadietly covers it up. He swallow the lump on his throat.

"Get ready, we're going on breakfast." Jungkook smiled at him before going upstairs, leaving the older dumbfolded.

"What the hell just happend?" Seokjin said in almost a whisper, his hands still on his unbuttoned blouse.

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