Love Lockdown: 04

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After we arrived at the elevator, he says we're going to the hotel casino

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After we arrived at the elevator, he says we're going to the hotel casino. I can feel stares all over us as we walk towards it. And im not blaming them for it since Mr. Jeon is an attractive man.

"There are still guests from Namjoon's birthday staying here." He explained, "And the hotel casino is the best place for us to show off our relationship to Mr. Bucci."

I still get puzzled everytime his name got mentioned. As soon as we reach the entrance to the casino, I noticed his sudden change of expression. Its like he have been switched into a gentleman mode instead of the
arrogant one.

"After you, Seokjin." He opened his arms, and the other still on my waist. I should better keep my guard up and remember im returning a favor by being his fiancé for I totally don't know how long we're gonna pretend.

The casino is more lively at night and fresh in my eyes. Im kind of proud that I designed every detail about it. As usual, Mr. Jeon has his hand around my waist as we head to the roulette wheel. I actually got nervous. Once I have said, I have never been and played at the casino before. This is clearly the first time for me.

"Roulette will be easy for even a beginner like you to understand." Mr. Jeon intructed me. Good thing this man will teach me how. But that doesn't mean im very confident to play it.

"I'm not sure if I can do it." I hesitated.

"You'll be fine. I'll teach you." He gives me a light kiss on my temple in fronr of the roulette table.

I know we're supposed to be dating, but that's a little to much. Even though I know he's just pretending, my pulse quickens. I feel everyone staring, and I know they're all talking about us.

"Bet on whatever you want." He said.

"Uhh. I will choose Number 1 then." From an outsider's perspective, we must look like an intimate couple as Mr. Jeon teaches me the basics of roulette, snuggled up against my side.

"The trick to roulette is to spread your bets and watch for patters." He whispers into my ear, making me stir a little. I probably be looking like a tomato that is glammed up right now.

"You have a good memory, so I'm sure you'll pick it up in no time." His lips brush against my cheek and I pull away slightly. He is too close.

"M-mr. Jeon, everyone's watch-" I tried explaining. Getting judged and watched by this people are starting to make me uncomfortable.

"It's Jungkook. Right, Jinnie?" His face is still close as he gazes at me and my voice catches in my throat. I slowly nod before avoiding his sight. He is a dangerous one. Just then, I hear footsteps approach.

"You're such a show-off, Jungkook!"

Standing in front of us is a foreign man, holding a tobacco. I guess he is Mr. Bucci? He actually looks more younger than I thought he is. Mr. Jeon is such a genius to point where he is this hours.

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