Love Lockdown: 11

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That night, the opening program for the hotel is about to happend

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That night, the opening program for the hotel is about to happend. Business men, stockholders, and politicians have attended the big event. Reporters are waiting outside and just outside for the reason of the event being private. Its actually also one of the reasons why Namjoon have attend.

Jungkook and Seokjin is now inside their suite, preparing for the event. Both of their outfits are formal, since its the dress code.

Seokjin looked over his reflection with a satisfied look on his face. He did well on his outfit for today. A pastel satin sleeves that he bought on a designer shop, and a floral pin to match it. His bottom white slacks have finished his feminine look. He then did some makeup before grabbing his pouch and went out from his room.

The older closed the door behind him and walks down the staircase He stopped his tracks when his eyes hatched on Jungkook who is fixing his wrist watch downstairs. His grey outfit made him standout more. Jungkook noticed Seokjin who is stiff at the staircase and looked up at him.

"Are you ready?" Jungkook said, shoving his hands on his pocket.

"Yes I am." Seokjin continued walking down.

As he us getting more and more closer to Jungkook, a smile crept up Seokjin's face when he noticed his crooked tie. Not surprising to Jungkook who isn't used in wearing a tie because he always loosen his buttons or wear a turtle neck at work.

He walks towards Jungkook who looked confused. His body have stiffen when his hands reach for Jungkook's tie. Seokjin can feel his stare at him when he reached for his tie.

"Your tie is crooked, Mr. Jeon." Seokjin scoffed, his hands fixing his black tie.

"Finally doing what a personal assistant will do." Jungkook replied.

Seokjin just hum in response and tightened his tie once more before gliding his hands towards his chest. He looks up to Jungkook, making an eye contact with him. This isn't the first time they were this close. Jungkook is actually surprised on Seokjins bold approach on him.

"Good luck on your speech." Seokjin stared at him with a gentle smile.

Jungkook finds Seokjin very daring and not boring at all. He got this personality that makes Jungkook want to chase him more. Seokjin is a mess of gorgeous chaos and you can see it clearly on his eyes.

"Thank you for that," Jungkook replied, "Shall we go?" He continues before offering his arms on him.

Seokjin nods before clinging his arms around his as they got out. Irene is greeted them outside before following them behind.

Yoongi and Hoseok also attended Jungkook's opening speech, especially Namjoom. All of them we're there during his speech and ribbon cutting.

The speech went amazingly well and Seokjin can't count how many times Jungkook have steal a glance at him. Even Yoongi, who usually doesn't give a damn, notices it.

After the event, they waited for Namjoon and Jungkook who is greeting the guests. Not to mention both of them were really good on business together. They are now on the bar side just chilling together. Afterall, he is pretty sure Jungkook doesn't want his personal assistant just to greet.

"Seokjin, did Jungkook informed you about tomorrow?" Hoseok said sipping his wine.

"Hmm? What about tomorrow?" Seokjin replied

"Tomorrow is out last day here so we're going on a tour!" Hoseok exclaimed, the excitement pent up on his voice.

Seokjin blink a few times, looking confused before turning over to Yoongi who have been silent the whole minute just to make sure he knows something about it.

"What?" Yoongi said looking up at Seokjin.

"You know about this?" Seokjin raised his brows at him.

Yoongi then cleared his throat and puts his champagne down. He probably knows something about this since he loves to travel so much.

"We are going to Guia Fortress tomorrow." He replied before puffing his cheeks.

Seokjin looked back to Hoseok who gave him a thumbs up before shaking his head. He took his tequila before drinking it. From the last time he check, he is not here for a vacation but for his work.

"Im here for work." Seokjin rolled his eyes. "I thought you guys knew? You even came here to support me." He adds up taking another sip of tequila.

"I know right? Weird how Jungkook suggested it." Hoseok said.

This made Seokjin choke on his drink.  He is not sure if he heard that right? How about the clients they have scheduled for? Its totally alright for him if they go on a vacation, but the fact that Jungkook didn't inform him on anything is an another story.

Hoseok got alarmed when he saw Jungkook and Namjoon slowly approaching them. Namjoon has signed them from behind to leave them alone and Hoseok immadiately agrees. Yoongi got confused on the whole situation and just waits for Hoseok's actions.

"Well, we're going now Jinnie. Good night!" Hoseok rose up on his feet before bringing Yoongi with him who seems drunk.

"W-wait Hoseok-ah!" Seokjin called up Hoseok at the distance who doesn't listen at all.

The older let out a frustrated sigh before drinking his last drop of tequila. Seokjin is not fully aware about Jungkook approaching him since he is already feeling kind of hot and dizzy right now. Seokjin just looked down when he feel his body getting heavier and heavier. He slowly rest his eyes.

"Shibal. Not this again."

A voice made Seokjin opened his eyes slowly. The bar stall infront of him got seated by a person. He rose his head and saw Jungkook infront of him, brushing his hair upwards. Its probably because he is drunk that makes this man extra sexy.

"K..kookie?" Seokjin whispered.

The word came on Seokjin's mouth out of nowhere. Jungkook got surprised on what he heard and let out a wholeheartedly laugh. He grabs both of his arms to support him.

"That's right. Can you stand up?" Jungkook said.

Seokjin replied with a nod before raising on his feet. Jungkook wrapped his arms around Seokjin's waist to support him. He can fully tell when Seokjin is drunk, he will became more soft and flirty on him. This happend the last time on his penthouse at Korea thats why he studied how to handle him.

Seokjin then looked up at him and give a very sweet smile. That made Jungkook head over heels on him once again.

It also made Jungkook smile when he saw it and all he could think was

'Oh shit.'

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