Chapter 5

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Just a minuted before Taehyung could arrive, they have finished styling Seokjin up

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Just a minuted before Taehyung could arrive, they have finished styling Seokjin up. As they left the house, Seokjin then rushed up to look at his reflection at the mirror on their bedroom. A smile then crept up to his face. He looks more beautiful, more young, and he can't wait for Taehyung's compliment on this.

His husband will surely like this look on him, his hair is permed and got a little trim, his nails are done, and this new blouse looks really good on him. Just thinking about his husband send butterflies through his stomach.

The sounds of the gates alarmed Seokjin up, he rushed through the staircase just to see Taehyung opening the entrance, looking tired.

He then stopped his way on the staircase when Taehyung looked up at him with a surprised look at his face. Seokjin smiled and looks back at him, putting his hands on his tiny waist.

"I've missed you, love." Seokjin said making Taehyung looked confused at him.

A long pause came between them as Taehyung is figuring things out.

"Is dinner ready?" Taehyung said sighing. This made Seokjin suddenly feel sad. His husband is not usually like this, he compliments him on anything.

"W..wha-not yet" Seokjin said looking away as embarrassment eat him up. His face is probably red right now.

"Let me know when food's on the table." Taehyung said with a straight face and proceeds to the dinning room, ignoring Seokjin's presence and not even complimenting him. He probably looked so stupid on thinking this will please his husband. Maybe his husband is just tired right?

Seokjin then called the housemaids to prepare the food at the dinner table right away. The kitchen welcomed him with Taehyung already sitting on the other edge, reading an article. He sits on the opposite side of the table, looking at Taehyung.

"Is something wrong with him?" He whispered.

The food are already served and yes, Seokjin didn't cook any of those food since he is busy glamming up for Taehyung who looks like he didn't even notice his existence.

Taehyung then starts on eating his food while reading the file he is holding, but Seokjin has no appetite at all and just looks at him with an awkward smile. As for now he totally doesn't know how to act up. Seokjin bring his self up and decides to try once again.

"I...brought a new outfit." Seokjin said with a cheeky smile.

"Did you?" Taehyung then replied still focusing on the files, not looking up at him and this starts to piss Seokjin off. He totally doesn't like his effort gone to waste.

"So what do you think?"

Taehyung then decides to look up at Seokjin to look at his outfit.

"It's nice."

"Just nice?" Seokjin looked up to him anticipating for a better answer. "You know its been years since I brought a new outfit. And I got my nails done, a-and I got a new hairdo. How could you not notice?" he continued, his voice full of exitement as he showed his nails to his husband.

"Well, to be honest, I never notice stuff like that." Taehyung chuckled shaking his head.

This made a big downfall to Seokjin. Everytime something changes on his body, he knew Taehyung was the one to tell him first. How can he not notice now?

Just as Seokjin could create a scene, his phone rung up causing him to flinch. He decided not to answer it since he is not in the mood.

"Answer that, Seokjin." Taehyung said on a stern voice as the older pouts and answered his phone. An unknown number only showed.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Good evening, Mr. Kim, this is from Jeon Casino."

"Yes this is me. What can I help you?"

"Mr. Jeon wants to hire you for a job."

"Mr. Jeon? What for?"

"I will tell you further when you get here. I will send the address to you."

Seokjin's jaw dropped. He haven't had a stranger asking for his service at night. The name of the client then stuck into his mind. Its like he heard that name somewhere before.

Thats right!

The Jeon's Interiors. Could it be he owned that? Just a minute after the call, his notification went of showing a text massage of the address. He then looked up to his husband who doesn't seem bothered.

"Tae? Can I go out for a bit? A client was asking for me." Seokjin then asked for permission on his husband.

Taehyung then looked at him for a sec and decides to agree. When he agreed, Seokjin immadiately went to get his stuff up to his office. He stopped at a mirror on the living room and his jaw dropped. Too glammed up for this but he really doesn't have time.

The older rushed towards the parking area to get his car and head to the given location.

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