Love Lockdown: 13

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The brightness of the sunlight woke Seokjin up on his sleep

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The brightness of the sunlight woke Seokjin up on his sleep. He then tilted and adjusted his eyes due to the brightness of the reflecting sun on the glass wall. He can feel the strong arms of the younger wrapped around his waist.

His eyes roamed around befote slowly looking over a half-naked Jungkook who is peacefully asleep, he let out a slight smile. The incident last night is far more etheral for him. Its been so long since he was held so gentle and rough but it feels good. Even his ex-husband didn't held him that way.

Jungkook let out soft breaths which made Seokjin's heart flutter. What he see is the opposite on Jungkook last night. The person is very dominant and obidient which Seokjin got turned on more.

Thinking of making morning coffee for them, Seokjin slowly moves the youngers arms just to make sure he won't wake up. As he successfully removes it, he gently rise his feet to get off the bed.

Just as he was about to rise, his arms got pulled back making him slams back to the bed once more.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook's said in a sleepy voice, his eyes still closed.

"Im gonna make coffee, Kookie." Seokjin replied looking over him.

Jungkook groans before wrapping his arms on Seokjins waist once again. He pulls him closer and burries his face behind Seokjin.

"You can't leave without my permission." Jungkook said nuzzling his head on the olders back.

"We should," Seokjin sigh "You still got unfinished work." He continues.

Seokjin got stratled when he feel the weight on the matress behind him. The next thing he knew, Jungkook was already on top of him. His hair falling down and his eyes looked pissed, gazing at Seokjin.

"And you can't talk back." Jungkook said on a stern voice.

Seokjin just stared back at him not sure on what to do. He nods slowly, agreeing on Jungkook. If there is anything he learned is not to mess with Jungkook early in the morning.

He can feel his gaze trailing his plump lips as he slowly leans down to catch his lips. Seokjin automatically close his eyes already expecting a kiss from him. And Seokjin can feel his lips pressed into his. He can't escape from his strong arms as they exchange a deep kiss.

"Jungkook..." Seokjin panted as he catch his breath.

Jungkook teased Seokjin with light fleeting kisses. And just as he's about to grab his sweatpants down..


"Are you here?"

Hoseok and Yoongi's voice echoed throughout downstairs making Seokjin's eyes went wide. He can't caught him like this.

"Mm! Mmphh!" Seokjin struggled slowly clenching Jungkook's shoulder but he won't let go. He can feel a smirk on his lips and continues on pulling his sweatpants down.

"Are you in your room, still asleep?"

As the voice and footsteps get closer, Seokjin pushed against's Jungkook's arms but he won't let go. He can hear Namjoon's voice assisting them towards his room. Seokjin's heartbeat starts to go crazy every step they take and he can already hear them infront of the door as they knocked.

Of course there are no answers. He is gettinf eaten by a demon in his room. How can he expect them to open up?

'This jerk I swear.' He thought continuing on pushing Jungkook's arms.

A few seconds have passed and he can hear the doorknob getting twisted slowly.

"Jinnie you should wake u-" Hoseok let out a loud gasp as he stopped his tracks. Same as Yoongi and Namjoon who looked surprised at them.

Jungkook finally softens and pulls away, leaving a thin trail of saliva from the kiss before glaring at them. Seokjin pushed him aside and sits properly, giving them an awkward smile. He can hear Jungkook let out a frustrated sigh before sitting beside him as he brush his hair.

"Bonjour, ya'll!" Hoseok clasped his hand with a big grin on his face. He tried changing the awkward mood of the surroundings.

"This place smells like love." Namjoon adds up before taking a seat on the couch.

"Not until you barge in." Jungkook said rolling his eyes, stepping out of the bed. Jungkook walk towards the bathroom and close the door behind him.

"Sooo why are you guys here again?" Seokjin asked looking at Hoseok.

"Its about the planned trip. We decided to check on you." Yoongi said checking his phone.

Seokjins eyes hatched on Hoseok who wiggles his eyebrows at him. Hoseok approached him and sits down beside him on the bed. Seokjins eyes trailed him with confusion.

"What? Why you lookin at me like that?" Seokjin frowned his brows at him.

"I thought you hate him?" Hoseok replied grinning.

Seokjin let out a sigh before slumping his fist down on the matress. Well he is very bad at lying at Hoseok about stuff like this. But he sure knows Hoseok knew about his feelings for the youngers.

"I am trying, I swear." Seokjin chuckled as he whispers trying not to let Jungkook hear.

"Its fine. Take your time." Hoseok winked at him making him laugh even more.

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