Love Lockdown: 05

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Jungkook woke up much earlier than Seokjin, and that's as usual for him

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Jungkook woke up much earlier than Seokjin, and that's as usual for him. Jungkook is used in waking up early because of his responsabilities which is a lot. Even if its not easy for him, he just got no choice.

He looks over the older who is sleeping peacefully before giving a gentle smile. Rising up from the bed slowly, first thing he did is contact his secretary. Informing her that he will do the work on his penthouse office for now, since he wants to accompany Seokjin. His office is connected through his bedroom and can give a full view of Seokjin sleeping on his bed.

The younger is now working on some documents on his shirt, pajamas, and some reading glasses. Jungkook is more comfortable on working at his penthouse office, the only problem is that he can't get clients in since its his personal space.

He glance at Seokjin who is sleeping, wondering how is he now a days? Hoseok have talked to him about the divorce and he is kind of happy about it.

An hour have passed and rustles can be heard comming from the bedroom. Seokjin got up with a messy hair, Jungkook's oversized shirt, and a sleepy face. Its making his stomach do a flip, Seokjin is too beautiful for mornings. Took Seokjin to recognize Jungkook on his office table as he walks over.

"Morning, Mr. Jeon." Seokjin said making Jungkook looked up at him. Looking at Jungkook doing the work with his nightwear is very appealing to Seokjin's eyes.

"Look's like you're awake." The younger replied, "and once again, call me Jungkook if its not business related." He sighed.

Trying to be silent and not disturbing him, the older sat down in the couch on beside his office table. The scene about last nights kiss keep him more awake last night, one of the reason why he was asleep late.

"Alright, alright." Seokjin took a moment to stare at the man before him before feeling that something is missing in the morning. He needs coffee every morning.

About to get coffee, he stops his tracks at the doorway and looks over at Jungkook, "Do you like some coffee?" He ask him.

"Yes. Please prepare it downstairs, im going in a minute." He glances at him. This guy is sure way more attractive with his glasses on. Nodding at Jungkook, he proceeds downstairs.

As he is now at the staircase, he slowly adjusted his eyes to the sunlight that is reflecting on the glass walls and, the vision of Namjoon reading a book on the living room caught his eyes. He just knew that Namjoon is also one of the people living in the penthouse.

"Good morning, hyung." Namjoon greeted him moving his book away. Seokjin actually feels kind of old when Namjoon called him hyung. But he is fine whatever makes him comfortable.

"Morning, Joonie." Seokjin replied as he took steps towards the kitchen. One thing he have noticed in the penthouse is that there are no maids around really different on the residence.

"There are no maids around here?" The older spoke, while making coffee for them. Wondering what Jungkook liked, he just did the usual coffee he made for Taehyung, kind of bitter.

"Not anymore," Seokjin heard Namjoon's voice in reply, "The last maid here almost killed Jungkook. She is a known spy." He explained.

Seokjin just nods. He didn't know Jungkook's life are sometimes in danger. Afterall, being associated with mobs and mafia's he is not surprised. No wonder he is surrounded by security around the resort. They are probably dealing with some illegal business.

Just in time he had finished the coffee, Jungkook came downstairs. Namjoon greets him and he just nods. Jungkook leaned on the couch as he crossed his legs. Sometimes he can be so hard to read. He got many personalities but him being nice and kind maybe is probably one of the best.

Seokjin then served the coffee to the center table before looking up to Jungkook.

"Im sorry, I don't know how you like your coffee." He gave of a sly smile to both of them. Seokjin have also bought the cream and sugar with him, but he is hoping they both like the coffee.

Namjoon then took a sip on his coffee first before he nods his head, "Its actually good. I really don't have a specific taste of mine. But Jungkook here does." He looks over Jungkook who just took his a sip on his coffee.

After Jungkook took his sip, his face got confused, knitting his brows and Namjoon is already laughing beside him knowing he doesn't like it.

"It's too bitter." He sigh before getting the cream and sugar. Seokjin apologized and silently taking down notes how long he poured that cream and the spoonfull of sugar. Exactly 3 spoons of sugar and maybe a cup of cream.

"You don't like it bitter?" Seokjin tilted his head kind of surprised. He is surprised that he likes it sweet. His coffee taste doesnt match his personality at all. No wonder Jungkook is sweet and Taehyung is such a demon.

"I told you Jungkook is kind of picky." Namjoon scratched his nape.

"It's alright. He will learn soon." Jungkook's gaze went on Seokjin, as he smiles at him.

"So what are you up to now, hyung?" Namjoon asked holding his cup of coffee. "Now that you're not with Taehyung." He continued. Even Seokjin is not sure about his status right now.

"Well, im now finding work. If interior designing will take long, then maybe another work." Seokjin replied shrugging his shoulders, "and im staying on a little motel."

They can already figure out that Seokjin got rejected by the agency. And knowing Seokjin, finding another work is totally his second choice. Ever since he got married to Taehyung, he blocked his clients out because Taehyung just wants him to be a housewife. The reason why he is having a hard time finding one.

Namjoon looked over Jungkook with a smirk painted on his face before Jungkook just nods at him.

"How about you work for me?" Jungkook's voice cut off Seokjin's thoughts as the olders eyes went big. This guy have did a lot of things to him lately.

"That's right! Why work when Mr. Jeon is already here?" Namjoon clasped both of his hands together while grinning, "And aside from that, we got our workers dormitory here." Namjoon continued. He is looking so proud at Jungkook.

Seokjin glanced over to Jungkook raising his brows at him. Seokjin is already curious of what work Jungkook will provide that.

"And what work will I have?" Seokjin asked Jungkook who leaned and takes a sip of his coffee.

"You're gonna work as my personal assistant."

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