Love Lockdown: 08

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Seokjin woke up leaning to Jungkook who is also fast asleep

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Seokjin woke up leaning to Jungkook who is also fast asleep. Taking some time to admire him, he slowly retreats. He then grab some of his blankets before wrapping it around Jungkook. The younger sleeping peacefully can be Seokjin's stress reliever and favorite everytime. He liked the fact that he looks so defenseless.

He look outside the window seeing the city scenery outside, and them arriving at the hotels rooftop. Seokjin collects his things and files on the table as he shoves them on his bag. Looking over Jungkook, he tap his shoulders gently.

"We have arrived, Mr. Jeon." Seokjin exclaimed.

The younger let out a small groan before opening his eyes. Jungkook took a few second to blink before looking around. His eyes then went towards the blanket wrapped around his body before taking it off, slowly folding it.

A stern voice let out as he calls his secretary over who is just standing in the corner. Irene then walks towards Jungkook, bringing her notepad.

"Have you prepared a room?" Jungkook asked, adjusting on his seat. He is now fully awake and back to business after some time. Well at least he had witness him asleep.

"Yes, Mr. Jeon. I have prepared it as you requested." Irene replied with a bow, "The staff are now waiting for you outside, you may now proceed." She continues with a smile.

"Okay then. Shall we go?" Jungkook looked at Seokjin who immadiately nods.

The younger rose up on his seat and wents towards the door which opened automatically. He silently waits for his personal assitant and looked over. Seokjin wobbled up his way towards the entrance, as he is still a little dizzy during the ride. Jungkook have noticed Seokjin wobbling letting out a slight chuckle.

"Do you like to go first? I don't like you being left behind." Jungkook suggested with a smile as he makes a path for Seokjin.

Seokjin just look at Jungkook thinking that it may be best for him to go out first. Afterall he is comfortable around Jungkook and he wants someone strong to watch him from behind. Who wouldn't get comfortable after everything that happend?

"Thank you. I will go first then." Seokjin slowly bows before making his way out of the door, bringing his handbag.

As Seokjin got out of the jet, a soft wind brushed his face. He adjusted his eyes to the brightness of the surrounding while focusing on his steps as Jungkook followed from behind. Just as he took a step on the ground a loud voice greeted him.


Seokjin then looked over and squinted his eyes to the person. His vision became more and more visible on the silhouette on the distance. Its Hoseok who is waving at him and Yoongi beside him. The olders expression immadiately changed when he saw them.

'H-how are they here?!' Seokjin thought.

Hoseok and Yoongi rushed up to Seokjin. The brightness of the sun compliments Hoseok's big grin on his face and Yoongi's poker face. Hoseok immadiately grabbed Seokjin for a tight hug as he responed back.

"Wait..why are you here?" Seokjin asked before letting go of the hug.

"We heard this is your first official day as Mr. Jeon's assistant," Hoseok replied putting his hands on his waist

"So we decided to support you." Yoongi adds on what Hoseok said.

Seokjins brows knitted in confusion as he slowly shakes his head, laughing in disbelief. He totally appreaciate them supporting him but he was totally fine without them. Like he is a grown adukt and he can handle himself. Namjoon had probably told them about it. But there is a feeling inside Seokjin that Jungkook is also a big part of this. He also wants Seokjin to take a break and forget his past life.

"Are you guys serious?" Seokjin asked his face full of confusion. The two just gave him a big nod making him face palm. And since when did they even arrived?

"Where is Namjoon?" Jungkook then asked from behind.

"Well," Hoseok puts a finger on his chin, "He is on the bathroom. He's so jetlag earlier." He nods.

This made Seokjin chuckle and same as Jungkook who scoffed. It looks like Seokjin isn't the only one who is suffering. There is a part of him that is relieved when he heard about Namjoons jetlag.

"Shall we go then?" Jungkook offered and all of them agreed.

"Lets gooo~" Hoseok puts his arm around Seokjin and Yoongi who helds his arms before they start dragging him with them.

"W-wait a minute-" Seokjin replied getting dragged by Hoseok and Yoongi.

A smile crept out of Jungkook's lips as they starts dragging Seokjin. Are they even aware Seokjin is not feeling well? And yes, he is one of the planner to take Seokjins friends on this trip and he had told Namjoon about it. He just doesn't like Seokjin to feel out of place when he is on a very private meeting, and their plan turned well. He also wants Seokjin to take a break and forget his past life.

"Irene," Jungkook called up to his secretary who is standing behind him.

"Yes, Mr. Jeon?" Irene moves a step towards him.

"Cancel all the plans on this trip." Jungkook replied. "I wanna make this a vacation." He continues.

Irene let out a surprised face on him. He isn't really into cancelling plans and to be honest, Irene is worried about him overworking himself. She feels happy when he takes a time for himself.

She has been his fathers secretary before, and he can tell Jungkook is far different from his father. His father is very cold and strict, she doesn't mean Jungkook isn't one. But from the fact that he gives time to his friends is what made her appreciate him the most.

The secretary let out a smile before replying,

"Will do, Mr. Jeon."

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