Love Lockdown: 06

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Seokjin trailed Jungkook from behind as they went towards his office

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Seokjin trailed Jungkook from behind as they went towards his office. Today is his first day as Jungkook's personal assistant. You may be wondering how an interior designer became a personal assistant. Well, Seokjin is even wondering too. He just got no choice so maybe he will accept the oppurtunity that is given for him.

"You may not know her yet. This is my secretary, Irene." Jungkook said as he pointed to his secretary.

The secretary then gave a sincere bow to Seokjin. He gave a gentle smile before bowing back. Now that he knows her a little bit maybe she will help him on what to do?

"Ah yes, I have meet her multiple times when I came over." Seokjin replied.

"Irene, he is my new personal assitant, Kim Seokjin." Jungkook said making the secretary look over Seokjin. "Please treat him equal as me."

"Will do, Mr. Jeon." She bow once more at Jungkook

"Tell him what he needs to do." Jungkook said. He went straight to the office after leaving Irene and Seokjin behind. As Jungkook leave them, Seokjin turn towards Irene.

"Please take a good care of me." Seokjin said.

"Alright then. Follow me." Irene replied before walking to the opposite office of Jungkook.

The empty office is quite big but not as big as Jungkook's office. There is one wooden desk and a swivel chair. It also gives a full view of the city. And the interiors are even not that bad.

"This is your office." Irene went towards the desk and took a folder in it. "This is Mr. Jeons schedule for this year." Irene hands Seokjin the folder.

Seokjin's eyes immadiately went wide. He is surprised from the fact that Jungkooks schedule is already fully packed this year. He really is hard to deal with. Seokjin took the folder and opens it, revealing a hundreds of papers on it that consist of time and the names of businessman.

'How am I gonna take care of all this?!' He thought staring at the multiple papers.

"Thank you for this. I didn't know it will be this hard working for him." Seokjin let a sigh making Irene chuckle as pats his back.

"Don't worry, I will take care of the reports. Just provide him what he needs." She replied with a smile.

Providing what he needs is even harder than making report since who knows what he like and dislikes. Maybe the next day Seokjin will get fired because he bought chocolate instead of vanilla. But at least Seokjin knew his coffee preference now.

Irene have also discussed that Jungkook will take Seokjin into his business trips and vacations. Which means Jungkooks vacation break is also his vacation break. Seokjin is not even that excited when it comes to business trips, he still gets jetlag.

"Jungkook will have his business trip in Macau tomorrow." Irene said as Seokjin's jaw dropped.

"Already? B-but I haven't even packed yet!" Seokjin replied. His things are still on the penthouse and Jungkook didn't even inform him about this business trip.

Irene just let out a laugh and told him that Jungkook may need him now. Seokjin grabbed the folder before heading out with his secretary. The sudden business trip made him worry. That he may not pack his things and leave him behind.

As he went inside, he is welcomed by a standing Jungkook who is in a business call while his other hands is on his pocket. He is facing towards the view outside. When he turned around, he noticed Seokjin's irritated face and immadiately puts the call down.

"Jung--Mr. Jeon." Seokjin said.

"What is it?" He looks up at the older.

"Why didn't you tell me about the business trip tomorroww." The older let out a frustrated sigh. Jungkook just knitted his brows in confusion before sitting back down on his swivel chair and checks on his monitor.

"I have one?" He replied tilting his head from the side making Seokjin laugh in disbelief.

"Are you kidding?" Seokjin looks over to Jungkook.

"Its your job to tell me, Mr. Kim." He shruggs his shoulders. "How will I know?"

The older then faced palm remembering his job as a personal assistant. But still its his first day and he is totally clueless on Jungkooks schedule. Is this man that cruel on not giving him a chance or even a clue?

Jungkook find Seokjin amusing when he is pissed and frustrated. He looks so lost right now and Jungkook just want to trap him between his arms if he could ever. His deep gaze followed Seokjin as he take a seat on the couch while reading his schedule.

"Well I have my vacation bag ready. But looking at you pissed face," Jungkook said leaning on his table "It looks like you haven't." An amused smile crept up his face

"Yah," Seokjin stood up and went towards before slamming his hands on his desk, looking straight down at him. Before he could say anything, his eyes roamed around Jungkook's lips. The elevator scene pops his head making him blush. He suddenly went speechless forgoting what he will say. How did this guy ended up kissing him once again? He wants someone to wake him up right now.

"Are you gonna say something, Mr Kim?" Jungkook stared back at him. His stares are intense he feels like he is stripping him on his mind. Seokjin then steps back and shakes his head before bowing down at him. Thats right, the guy infront of him is now his boss.

"I will prepare for the flight." Seokjin said, going towards the door.


Just as he reached for the doorknob Jungkook's voice made him stop as he slowly turns to face him. Jungkook is now looking at him, a smirk painted on his handsome features and his hand playing with a pen.

"Your real work starts tomorrow. Good luck."

"Y-yes, Mr. Jeon."


Sorry for the late updateeee

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