Love Lockdown: 14

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The planned trip has been set on Guia Fortress

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The planned trip has been set on Guia Fortress. Its their last day on Macau and Seokjin is not expecting Jungkook to have a tour since he is usually busy on his career.

They are now on their feet towards the Chapel to meet the sunset. Only an hour away for the sun to go down and enhance the whole city from above. Hoseok and Namjoon has been taking pictures for the past few hours now and Yoongi has been been tired from all the walking.

"I didn't expect you to plan a trip here. How about your work?" Seokjin asked. He is now walking side by side with Jungkook along the way.

"I told Irene to cancel and move it on another day. I want to spend our time here." Jungkook let out a slight smile.

"That is not very you to cancel schedules, Mr. Jeon." Seokjin replied shaking his head.

"Im highly aware." Jungkook hummed in response.

Moment of awkward silent rushed through them as they take steps towards the uphill. Seokjin decides to break the awkwardness off and grabs Jungkook's arms, putting his arms around him.

Of couse Seokjin is cringing on this, an adult trying to act sweet to someone who is younger is totally something normal people won't do. If there is something he is feeling right now, its probably he feels being back on his teenage days when he and Taehyung had their first date. But needs to renew those memories.

Jungkook looked surprised at first but his face changed into a sweet smile. He shoves his hand on his pockets before letting out a sigh.

"You'd look cute holding my hand but whatever." Jungkook said.

"Ahh do you want me to.." Seokjin was about to remove his arms around Jungkook when he clenched on it.

"Its totally fine like this," Jungkook replied, "Im just saying it cuter." He continues.

Seokjin knitted his brows at the younger, totally looking confused than ever. Jungkook looked back at his hazel brown eyes that is reflected to the sun.

"Gosh, you are so annoying and hard to understand." Seokjin let out a frustrated sigh making Jungkook chuckle.

"But you love me." Jungkook said showing his bunny teeth.

"Doesn't make you less annoying." Seokjin replied.

They have continued walking towards the chapel and as their shadows where getting bigger and bigger. The sun is slowly setting right now, just in time when they arrived.

"Jinnie! Here!" Hoseok shouted at them on the distance.

They looked above and saw Hoseok waving his hand to them, the other hand is holding his camera. Namjoon who is holding Hoseok's bag and Yoongi who is already seating down to rest. Seokjin and Jungkook then walk towards them.

"The sun is almost setting." Namjoon said looking over the horizon.

"We can tell, Namjoon." Yoongi replied, rolling his eyes.

Seokjin slowly turned around to face the orange skies from the distance. The sun slightly kissed his face. Its actually not that much visible because of the buildings covering it up. Hoseok and Yoongi is busy taking pictures on each other when Seokjin felt strong arms grabbing his hands. He looked around to see Jungkook, his index finger on his mouth telling his to keep silent.

Seokjin nods as Jungkook dragges him towards this lighthouse beside the chapel. He then took him inside as they starts walking towards ths stairs.

"The sunset is more visible here." Jungkook said walking towards the staircase that leads to the top.

"Ahh is that why you drag me here?" Seokjin replied following him.

When they have already reached the top, the darkness of the room enhanced the sunlight that rushed towards the windows. Seokjin finds this breathtaking as he slowly walk towards the window. He let out a slight gasp when he looked outside and towards the distance.

" beautiful." Seokjin said, his hand resting on the window rail.

Seokjin feel strong hands wrapped around his waist making him look over. Jungkook slowly nuzzles on his neck cherishing this beautiful moment.

"What do you think, Jungkook?" Seokjin asked.

The scent of cinammon on Jungkook's hair is turning his whole senses down right now. How can a guy as ruthless as him still have this scent? Stronger than his musk perfume.

"You. You. You. You're all I think about." Jungkook replied making Seokjin chuckle as he let out a soft nod. He already expected Jungkook to answer that way. Jungkook never have answered his questions properly.

"I wish I can bring my parents here," Seokjin sighed once again looking outside, "I mean...if I have one." He bites his lower lip.

The sad voice of Seokjin made Jungkook looked up at him. He is confused on what Seokjin is talking about not having one.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked, resting his chin on the olders shoulder.

"Im an orphan, Jungkook." Seokjin said slightly biting his lips.

Jungkook groaned as he let go of Seokjins waist before standing beside him. Seokjin turned to look at him with tipped smile painted on his face. The younger crossed his arms before leaning on the window frame.

"Sometimes, I also feel like I don't have one." Jungkook said.

"Why?" Seokjin titlted his head.

"Im plauged by childhood traumas. Im only grown to be an heir for them and not as their child." Jungkook replied. "I have a father and mother...well they are my parents but sometimes I don't know them." He continues with a chuckle.

Seokjin actually feels bad for Jungkook. The fact that he is treated as a tool and not a child by his family is actually pretty sad for him. He can tell that he is not close with any of his family or relatives. The only thing he considered family are only his friends and nothing more. Seokjin do understand the fact that DNA doesn't make family.

"If you meet my family, you would understand." Jungkook looked over Seokjin as he let out a gentl smile.

"Im here," Seokjin said in the most calming way. "You can talk to me or not talk to me, but im here." He continues

Jungkook stared at him for a moment before brushing his hair, letting out a gentle smile. Its been a long time since someone have told him those words and he actually finds it comforting.

"I never thought I'd find comfort in a voice." Jungkook said with a smile.


Im gonne be throwing a game later for my 200 followers special! Thank you guys sooo muchh

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