Chapter 14

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So I end up going to the party alone

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So I end up going to the party alone. Since Taehyung went to work early, he didn't see me leaving. But I called my stylist to glam me up. My stylist even got surprised when I show the the invitation since its kind of looked fancy, he got excited on giving me a makeover.

I took my car when I head out to follow the location and no doubt, its located on Jeon's hotel at the 47th floor, The Shangri-La. This is where most VIP parties were held, and trust me a normal person can't afford the place. Arriving infront of the hotel, I showed the invitation before stepping in and checked the clock on my phone. 5:40 PM, just ten minutes and the event will start.

I got inside the elevator, good thing its not crowded cause I don't wanna show up sweaty in there. Its really sad how this people got dates clinging on their arm and here I am in the middle, looking probably stupid. But let's all admit that when it comes to looks, I looked better than their partner. And to bring it on the positive side, I just looked like a strong independent man.

In just a few minutes, the elevator arrived at the ballroom, as I slowly stepped out and head to the ballroom. I scanned the room. So this is the Shangri-La. A gorgeous chandelier hangs from the high ceiling. The floor is jam-packed with the rich and the famous. I noticed some of my favorite athletes and artist.

"Seokjin?" A voice called my name behind as I turned to look over, causing my eyes to go wide.

"Hoseok? Your here too?" I smiled in relief. Hoseok then moves towards me, his champagne on the other hand. Good thing I got a good company here. I thought I will just gonna be bored and lonely. But how did he know about this party?

"Yes, me and Yoongs actually. But he is talking to some of his business partners at the balcony." Hoseok pointed over. "Looks like Jungkook invited you." He grinned and wiggle his brows at me before looking me from head to toe, "And you look fabulous, Seokjin! You're blooming."

I shaked my head "Am I standing out like a sore thumb? Everyone here is so glamorous." This guy must have been kidding but ever since I have stepped a foot in the ballroom my confidence dropped when I saw everyone looking gorgeous.

Hoseok just rolled his eyes, "Ugh! Stop doubting yourself. You have been to a red carpet before. You're better than the guests here. You look elegant." He winked at me. I should give this guy a penny or something. Hoseok is really good in boasting up my confidence.

Hoseok then looked over to each my side, "You're with no one? How about Tae?" he raised his brows as I shake my head "I wanna enjoy myself tonight, Hoseok. I don't wanna talk about that bastard at all." This made Hoseok laugh before agreeing with me.

"So do you have any idea what this party is about?" I looked over at him.

Hoseok's looked surprised on what I say, "Jungkook didn't tell you anything?" I slowly shake my head, He just gave me the invitation and told me to go where its located.

He sigh, "This is Namjoon's birthday party."

The words that came out of his mouth made my jaw drop. How come Mr. Jeon didn't bother on telling me so I can buy presents for Namjoon? Then the incident on the rainy day came back my mind. That's right. I have to repay him on his kindness. The party is so extravagant, Namjoon surely is pretty a big deal.

"Seokjin?" Lips curled into an alluring smirk, I see Jungkook and Namjoon walking towards us, "Good thing you made it." Should I hit this guy for not telling me its Namjoon's birthday?

"Looks like the birthday boy is here!" Hoseok happily exclaimed. Namjoon just looked down slightly blushing.

"I heard Taehyung didn't make it?" Jungkook then ask, his sharp gaze on me. I suddenly feel bad for the both of his bestfriends. I dont care anymore if he doesn't love me but he should attend a very special event.

I nod softly, "Yes. He got an appointment taken on." I actually feel kinda shamed when I go out boasting about me and my husband then in the end he didn't show up at all.

"Hmm...I see." Jungkook looks over to Namjoon who just shrugged his shoulder. Im not even surprised anymore if Jungkook knows something about what happend and I don't really care. Afterall, Namjoon was the one who witnessed them first.

"And by the way, Happy Birthday Namjoon!" I greeted him clasping both of my hands as he let out a small "Thank you." I just wanna brushed off the gift thing. Maybe I will just gave him a surprise or something.

"Well, we will go and greet the guest. Please excuse us." Hoseok bid a farewell before clinging into Namjoons hand as they disappeared on the crowd. How lucky for them. They just started their relationship and mine has already come into an end.

I got so carried on looking at them I didn't even noticed Jungkook who is standing beside me.

"You don't have to be jealous." Jungkook's voice made me snap and looked at him, a smirk came into his mouth.

"Excuse me?" I looked at him with disbelief. Well only for a little bit but I can work things out. If only I have a partner I wouldn't be. I really can't believe he is the sponsor of this party.

"Here." Jungkook then offered me some champagne. Accepting the champagne, Jungkook then dragged me to the stage, joining Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi.

On the stage stands the sponsors and some important guests on this hotel. His squad could've been complete if Taehyung was here. Taehyung has been left out alot. But who cares? Aside from that, it looks like the party is gonna start.

"Is everyone ready?" Namjoon asked. Accepting the bottle of champagne the waiter served him, Namjoon walks to the center of the stage. He pours the champagne over a pyramid of beautifully stacked glasses, and the crowd cheers. The champagne tower looks pretty. Its been a long time since I had seen one.

"To Kim Namjoon! Happy Birthday!" Jungkook exclaimed raising his bottle of champagne.


And with that toast, the birthday party, officially begins.


So a lot of things will happen on the party/next chapter. So lets prepare our heartue aigghhttt?

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