Chapter 8

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Rubbing my temples, I stared at the computer screen

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Rubbing my temples, I stared at the computer screen. The pounding on my head can be similar by a drum being played on a rock band. Its as if someone was beating it hard. Clenching my teeth every 10 minute is probably not helping my headache at all.

Refraining from grabbing my phone, I leaned back on my swivel chair. The happenings last night can't get off my mind and I can't help but chuckle. Thinking about the designer is making my headache go away. But thinking that his married makes me wanna lose my mind. Damn, if only I was born later.

I haven't noticed that im now on the screen, checking his profile once again. No, I was staring at his profile. It was written that he is 27 years old, one hundred and forty one pounds. This is a big lie. As from what I have seen in him, he is just hundred and thirty nine. The status here did say that he is married, but no one cares at all.

I was an hour and a hundred miles away from him. His location does say Kim residence. Which made me kind of confused. Its the same location as Taehyungs. Are they cousins or neighbors?

Should I pay Seokjin a visit sometimes? The answer is unknown though thats because I ran a job where crimes usually happend and not a job that makes coffee and pastries for hipsters with bad taste in music and worst in coffee. Lets not mind the way they dressed like hippie hood rats.

"Mr. Jeon-"

"Not now," I growled at my secretary who stepped back. There was a moment of silence before I hear my door closing. I sighed once again. Shit, my head is still pounding. Am I turning old now? I mean, Seokjin probably never aged and he looks healthy too me. His back probably never hurted once, I should let him bend and-

My phone suddenly rang, cutting off my thoughts. I looked at it. Its Taehyung who called. He just probably wants to welcome me back. Speaking of Taehyung, I heard he got married first? Such a bold man as always. I smiled showing my famous bunny teeth and picked the call up.

"Ah yes, Dr. Kim." I said with a stern voice

"That's not a nice voice, Kookie." Taehyungs stern voice can be heard through the other line.

This made me smirk, still the one who correct everything. Back on their squad days, he is the mother of him and Namjoon. Strict and very demanding.

"A sorry about that eomma. Just having a rough day." I replied chuckling. The presence of Taehyung changing his mood has been noticed already. He probably called to welcome me back and must be his free time. I glanced at the clock. Exactly one at the afternoon. His lunch time and his freetime. He still never changed does he?

"Anyways welcome back, bunny. I hope you will stay here forever, not leaving us."

Well only if we didn't have casinos on different country too, I would probably locked up here in Korea. Father even mentioned about our new casino undercontruction at Macau now. But if he can have Seokjin, maybe he will change his mind.

"If only I didn't became a CEO of our casinos. I will probably burry myself here in Korea. And by the ways Vv, I heard you're a married man? What do you want as a gift?"

"Nah he doesn't like gifts. Too bad you didn't show up at our wedding. Namjoon feel so left out of place in there." His wheeze can be heard.

"He didn't bring any of his girls behind? Namjoon surely will pay them a hundred-thousands for just a date."

"But he promised to stick on Hoseok. And speaking of that horny guy, he planned a reunion for us tonight."

"Sure, lets meet on our usual spot and don't forget to bring your husband, Taehyung-ah. I would like to meet him."

"Yes, I will bring him. He can't also wait for meeting my squad."

A long pause went by as I heard him continued speaking.

"How about you Kookie? Have you found someone?" he asked.

"Hell yeah, I surely do." I replied looking at the monitor.


jungkook im here and sINGLE 👁👄👁

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