Love Lockdown: 22

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Seokjin have been twisting and turning on his bed right now

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Seokjin have been twisting and turning on his bed right now. He is feeling not well these past few weeks after Jungkook's birthday party. He overslept once again and wake up without Jungkook beside him.

The cramping on his abdomen has been contanly banging and its not usual for him. He has also been feeling fatigue and nausea, making him think he has a high fever. Sweat is all over his face even if the airconditioner is on high.

Even Jungkook got worried about him and restricted him to go work just to make him rest.

The constant vibrating of Seokjin's phone made him groan. He got up and reached his phone on the bed stand. Looking over who called, he let out a sigh when it was Hoseok. He then unlock his phone and answered the call.

"Seokjinnie? How are you?" The worried voice of Hoseok said on the opposite line.

Seokjin is in no mood to talk on his situation right now. He actually feels kind of annoyed that Jungkook told Hoseok about it. Seokjin feels so drained and just hummed in response.

"Jungkook have told me you have been sick lately. Isn't five weeks a bit long now?" Hoseok said.

"Its probably just a high fever Hoseok." Seokjin replied as he pants.

"You should get checked on the doctor--no wait, maybe Yoongi knows something about this." Hoseok replied making Seokjin chuckle.

"Yoongi is a dentist for godsake." Seokjin rolls his eyes.

Minutes later and Yoongi have joined the group call. Its a good thing he have no patients around because Yoongi can be grumpy when disturbed.

"Yeeessss?" Yoongi said on the call.

"Yoongi, Seokjin have been sick for FIVE weeks now. FIVE WEEKSS." Hoseok said making the numbers clear, "Don't you think something is off?" He continued.

Seokjin just observed and listened to both of them as Yoongi went silent for a second, but then speak afterwards.

"Seokjin what are you feeling?" Yoongi asked on a stern tone.

A sigh left Seokjin's mouth, "I have been feeling dizzy and sleepy. Not to mention the cramps I have."

A loud gasp was heard throughout the other line, surprising Seokjin. Then a squeal comming from Hoseok was heard afterwards.

"Seokjin I--"

"Seokjin you're pregnant!" Hoseok cut Yoongi off as Seokjin's eyes went wide on what he said.

Seokjin blinked a few moments before letting out a laugh of disbelief. He already knew he can't have a child and won't even last a week on his belly.

"Hoseok you know I can't bear kids." Seokjin replied, his tone with a hint of sadness. He suddenly feels very emotional and tears were already streaming his face.

"But miracle happens Seokjin." Yoongi said with a sigh.

"You know what? Im visiting you and im bringing a box of pregnancy test." Hoseok said on a sassy tone before leaving the group call.

Its just him and Yoongi left on the group call. His sobs we're heard throughout the call making Yoongi very worried on him. Seokjin just doesn't want any false hope anymore.

"I mean, its not bad to try right?" Yoongi spoke in a calming voice.

"Thats right. I will try." Seokjin replied wiping his tears and ends the call.


Hoseok is pacing back and forth waiting for Seokjin to come out from the bathroom. He let Seokjin try the pregnancy test and he is inside for almost ten minutes already.

Knocking on the restroom, Hoseok checks on Seokjin. He is worried something bad might happend to him inside.

A faint voice answered telling Hoseok that he will come out now. As for Hoseok, he is feeling nervous but excited on the results. He got high hopes that Seokjin might have a chance of having a baby.

Few more minutes and Seokjin came out from the bathroom. He is holding the pregnancy test on his hands and his face is full of excitement. Hoseok can already tell the look on his face.

"Hoseok its...possitive." Seokjin said the last sentence in almost a whisper.

"Really?!" Hoseok took the test on his hands and Seokjin is right, the result is possitive. He immadiately pulled Seokjin into a hug after the news.

"I told you so dummy." Hoseok laughs and pulls out from the hug.

"I can't wait for it." Seokjin smiled brightly while caressing his abdomen. He haven't feel euphoria for a long time and now he does.

Hoseok collect his things as Seokjin guided his way out. He then looks over Seokjin and grins at him.

"You better show that to Jungkook. He will be so happy." Hoseok said before leaving the penthouse.

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