Chapter 3

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Seokjin, Hoseok, and Yoongi is now at the mall going for shopping

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Seokjin, Hoseok, and Yoongi is now at the mall going for shopping. The older really missed on checking out some interiors that is the first thing he wants to check when they are at the mall. As for Hoseok and Yoongi who are obsessed on designer clothes.

Taehyung didn't came home again last night, he and Namjoon went out together saying they had a client. Instead of thinking negative, he thought the opposite way.

"Yoongi lets stop over here!" Hoseok pointed at the Gucci store, his eyes shinning. Seokjin just chuckle how he missed going out with these people.

"Hoseok this is gonna be the reason why charity and donations are going out hand of you." Yoongi faced palmed being drag by Hoseok.

"I will go at the interiors then. Its just on the opposite side." Seokjin smiled. The both of them agreed and went the separate ways.

Seokjin entered the interior shop named "Jeons Interiors" and looks around as he pulls his pocket notebook and pen. He likes checking out new interiors and taking notes on them. They will give him new sets of design on his head. There are many things he wants to design on these interiors.

Just as he walks over to the next section he bumped into someone making his things fall over. Seokjin then crouched to pick the things up as he mumbled "Im sorry." He then looks up to see who its is.


The older thought he is with Taehyung the whole night.

"Namjoon? What are you doing here? Is Tae with you?" He knitted his eyebrows to him.

"Oh hyung its you. Taehyung is uhm...being requested by the client on his office, just him." Namjoon scratched his nape.

Seokjin squinted his eyes on him but decides to agree and nods. "Well alright then. I should get going now, my friends sure are waiting for me."

Namjoon waved at him as he exits the store. As he went inside the Gucci store, he heard Yoongi and Hoseok talking about something. Hoseok's voice is still loud even if he is whispering. This made him wonder what they were talking about and leans his ear close.

"Yoongi listen."

"Namjoon said he had seen Taehyung in a parking lot with some restaurant. Taehyung even mentioned it to Namjoon when he confronted him."

"Taehyung was kissing a waiter."

"Are you gonna tell Seokjin?" Yoongi's voice can be heard.

"How am I gonna let him know that his husband is having an affair?"

Seokjin feels numb while hearing this words. His heart pained so much, its just impossible for his husband to cheat on him. They have been together for 5 years.

Seokjin then can't take it anymore and decides to show up causing Yoongi and Hoseok to gasp.

"Seokjin." Hoseok called out, Seokjin looked at them with disbelief and runs out of the store. Yoongi and Hoseok then runs behind to catch him and explain all of it to him.

Seokjin went straight at the house, his palm on his chest. Trying to brush it all away, he shake his head and proceeds to his office, to write some designs. Maybe this will help him calm down and forget everything.

In just a minute after he started designing, a knock on the door was heard. Showing Hoseok who has an apologetic face. The older didn't say anything and continued his work as his bestfriend slowly approach him.

"I just feel awful about what you heard." Hoseok said

"I..its impossible." Seokjin explained, continuing his work and didn't even bother looking at him but tears slowly made way to his eyes "So, please, tell Namjoon he's wrong. Taehyung and I are so very happy." he looked up at him.

Hoseok knew Seokjin to well, he doesn't believe easily and if he loves someone? He will defend him even if his wrong.

"Aish fine then. But how about you do an investigation too?" Hoseok said before walking out of the room.

Just as he left, Seokjin let out a heavy sigh and looks at the mirror beside him.

'I look old right now. Maybe this is the reason they thought my husband would cheat. I should surprise Taehyung and get a makeover.' he thought and called Minji over.

"What is it, Mr. Kim?" Minji said after greeting him.

"Call up my stylist Minji. I like some makeover." Seokjin said. Its been so long since he had been dolled up. He used to get dolled up when he still made his appearance on the Television more like 3 years ago.


"So what look do you want to achieve today madame?" His stylist, Nara, asked him.

"I wanna look young, Nara. I wanna surprise my husband." Seokjin replied with a smile.

"Okay then! Lets glam you up." Nara said clapping both of his hands together. The room is now full of her assistant, one for the makeover, one for the hairstyle, and one for the cute dresses that she bought.

"Its been so long since you asked for our service madame." Nara said doing his makeup.

"Well, tomorrow is me and Taehyung's anniversary so I wanna surprise him." Seokjin replied. Their marriage still survived for 6 years now. He can't be more happy than that. This is just exactly the life that he wanted and he hoped nothing will mess all of this up.

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