Love Lockdown: 07

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"Are your luggage inside?"

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"Are your luggage inside?"

Seokjin nods at Jungkook who is looking at him. They are now on the rooftop of the casino at Jungkook's private jet on the way to Macau. It looks like he will check on his newly opened Casino in there. Even though he is not excited on the flight, he still needs to attend.

"Okay then shall we go?" Jungkook smiles before going inside the jet. Seokjin then followed later on.

They have choosen to seat opposite to each other. Seokjin insist on seating at the other lane but Jungkook told him to seat opposite since they have something to discuss about.

Jungkook leaned on his chair before crossing both of his legs. Seokjin glanced at the man infront him. He is wearing a tucked-in loose white long sleeves, some faded jeans and sunglasses to match it up, which made him look extra stunning.

"Mr. Jeon, here are your drinks."

Seokjins eyes went wide when he saw Irene serving the drinks, a bourbon and white wine. He didn't thought Irene would fly with them. A sigh of relief escaped his mouth thinking that somebody will take his job whenever he suddenly get sick. Irene just winked at him before leaving the two of them behind.

"What is my schedule for tomorrow?" Jungkook said with a stern voice.

Seokjin immadiately opened his laptop. He have transfered the schedule on his laptop and make a hundreds of copy on it just in case.

"Your first schedule is," Seokjin scrolled down "A tour at the casino, Mr. Jeon." He continues.

"Can you check the schedule for the last day?" Jungkook looked over to Seokjin "Cancel it." He said in a stern voice. This made Seokjin immadiately look up at him with a confused face.

"Why? Is something wrong?" Seokjin tilted his head

"Just cancel it. I wanna rest on that day." Jungkook sigh before taking a sip on his bourbon

The older fully understands that Jungkook needs some rest too but it will be a pity to the client who have been waiting for the long schedule of him.

"But the client--"

"Its fine. I can move their schedule." Jungkook said with a gentle smile. He can totally understand that Seokjin will feel bad and he appreciates it.

"A-alright then." Seokjin looked over his laptop and canceled the schedule, "I will send the client a message." He continues

"You should rest. The flight will be long." Jungkook tosses back the remander of his bourbon. The way his throat moves as he finishes the drink, and the way he licks his lips when he's done are both strangely bewitching to Seokjin. So much that its as if his eyes are glued to him. Just after, Jungkook put his drink down and had fallen into a sleep and Seokjin can't.

Its in the middle of the flight and he is starting to get dizzy. He took out his gummy candies and eats one of them. His stomach is twitching, he feels so bad right now. Closing his eyes, he massaged his forehead. The cold sweats are running towards his forehead right now. And just as he slowly fell asleep, he feels blanket wrapping around him.


"How is he?"

"He looks fine now."

Voices can be heard as Seokjin slowly opened his eyes. Getting welcomed by Jungkook's worried face and Irene who is wiping his sweats off. Seokjin then roamed his eyes around realizing that they are still on the middle of the flight. Jungkook have signed Irene to leave them alone before she bows at him and walks away.

"How are you? You have been whimpering and you look pale." Jungkook asked he sounds so concern.

"Im sorry Mr. Jeon, im just having plane sickness." Seokjin said adjusting on his seat. "Im sorry for worrying you." He hangs his head low

Jungkook rose into his feet, getting something at the table and sits beside the older. He offers it to Seokjin. Seokjin then looked over at the medicine Jungkook lend him.

"Its to prevent dizziness. Take it." He smiled softly at him. The older looks uo before taking the medicine on his hands and takes one, following it up with a water on the table.

"Thank you, Mr. Jeon." Seokjin said

Earlier, Jungkook woke up by the whimpering noises he heard and seeing Seokjin struggling. His lips are so pale and he is sweating hard, also looking like he isn't comfortable on his sleeping position. He is starting to get worried but doesn't know what to do so he called Irene over.

"You can lean on me if you want to sleep." Jungkook said looking over to Seokjin. The older was surprised on what his boss have told him. His pulse is beating face and he can feel his ear tingling. Seokjin then slowly nods at him.

Later on, as Jungkook was reading a report, he feel sudden weight on his shoulder. Glancing over to Seokjin who have fallen asleep peacefully on his shoulder. The soft vanilla scent on Seokjins hair makes Jungkook go crazy. The smell is just so addictive. He can't hide his smile as he throws his head back.

'I must've be crazy for this guy.' He thought with a big smile. Jungkook shakes his head off before he continues on reading the article.

"Don't worry, we will arrive any minute now." Jungkook said in almost a whisper.

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