Love Lockdown: 01

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Breakfast was delivered by my secretary as I came inside the office

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Breakfast was delivered by my secretary as I came inside the office. Rolling my sleves up, I'd pair khaki pants with a white long sleeves and a dark tuxedo. Sitting on my swivel chair, I grab my coffee. Im now back to work. Really different on last night when I claimed to be Seokjin's lawyer and it was actually kind of helpfull. Ever since that day he never stoped nagging me and keeps on asking what can he do in return.

My lips curved into a smile. I can really taste the victory. Having Seokjin is more than having riches and I really don't give a fuck about Taehyung anymore. If he didn't do that to Seokjin, maybe I will still give him a fat chance.

There was a knock on the door. Namjoon came up wearing faded jeans and white long sleeves with loose button. Looks like he went to a trip? Namjoon then went to sit on the couch and crossed his legs.

"How about consulting my secretary first, Namjoon?" This made him roll his eyes. He really is comfortable around me. Good thing I added him on the special list of whoever can come inside without a consult or else the guards will drag him outside by now.

"Soooo you do have an interest on Taehyung's husband. I see what you did there Jeon." He winked at me. Whenever me and Taehyung fought before, he always stays neutral between us. He may knew that I like Seokjin but at the same time her shake his hands on that Jimin guy.

"Did you come here just for that? Then you're wasting my time." I replied fixing my sight on the monitor.

"Afterall, Seokjin is everyones type. He has beauty, intelligence, and even riches." He count his fingers off the air. He is right. Seokjin is a full package, the one that I will never slip behind.

"Of course Jeon Jungkook will snatch him away, the youngest billionare in South Korea." He continued. How come he know me so well?

"I may not go down on history, but I'll go down on Seokjin." I replied licking my lower lip.

"Okay, calm down your horny-ass, satan." Namjoon replied signing both of his hands to stop. I just shrug my shoulders. Can't really take back my words. He looks so surprised like he is still an innocent virgin. Im just being honest here.

"By the way, why are you really here?" I looked at him. He brushed his hair before resting it on the headrest.

"I just took out Mr. Bucci on a tour here on Korea." He said crossing his hands. I knitted my brows on him.

"Mr. Bucci is back?" He then nods his head. If you're wondering, Mr. Bucci is a french mob boss and is a big investor of the company. My father and him are business parter and its my turn to impress him.

"Not to mention his daughter who is head over heels for you Jeon." Namjoon laughed.

That's right, Jennie Bucci, his daughter have totally fell inlove with me. She is obsessed and won't stop clinging on to me. As for me who just went with the flow so that Mr. Bucci will invest more on the resort. Maybe Namjoon did invite Mr. Bucci on his birthday last night, we just happend on not seeing each other.

"Is he staying here in the resort?"

"Of course. This is one of his biggest investment and he is asking for a tour at the resort later."

The secretary then came inside to give Namjoon his coffee, and some pastries. Namjoon thanked her before digging in.

"Jennie will also be comming for a vacation, next three days. You better ready yourself and find ways to turn her down." He said in a teasing way.

It looks like Mr. Bucci came in Korea first then Jennie will follow since she is still on her college. I have already rejected her many times and nothing seems to work and I can't think any ways.

I stay silent and think for minutes. Then Seokjin suddenly appear on my mind. Maybe I will made Mr. Bucci think I have already found a boyfriend. Aside from that, I can finally make a move on him. I can't wait to see Jennie running out of the halls.

"You have been smiling like a bastard there. Seems like you have find a way." Namjoon interupted my thoughts.

"I will need Seokjin in this Namjoon." I leaned over my swivel chair picking my phone up.

"Seokjin? What does that designer do?"

"Oh you will know." I opened my phone and started dialing his number. Its took a while before he pick up his phone.

"H-hello? Mr. Jeon?" I can hear his voice on the other line. I actually find it more arousing when he calls me that way.

"Seokjin. You want to repay me back right?" My lips curved into a smirk.

"Ah yes! Please let me repay you."

"Then come here at my office later. I will discuss something with you."


So if you're guessing what love lockdown is, its actually like a new series. Since the main story, which is Seokjin and Tae's have come to an end, love lockdown is more than the love story of Jinkook.

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