Chapter 7

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'Is this guy insane?'

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'Is this guy insane?'

Seokjin thought his hand pressing his chest. His heart is pounding fast. Coffee is seriously making him nervous. I have even heard that this guy is a lawyer, but he not what I expect. The alarm is still going on for minutes before it tone down.

"How about we start explaining to the fire station first that you hit that fire alarm on purpose?" Seokjin looked straightly at him. He probably looked pissed right now and he doesn't really care.

"And I think not Seokjin. I don't wanna cause much trouble anymore." He said proceeding to the main hall of the casino.

'Did I just heard that right? After what he did?' he thought.

This guy is a total opposite of Taehyung. Even their taste and sense of style is so different, Taehyung is more of a vintage guy and Jungkook is a whole modern. But he doesn't know why both of them is starting to piss him off.

Seokjin just brushed it off aside and starts to roam around the casino. It really sure is big, it has 3 floors, the first one is the reception and bar, while the second one is where you play cards, and the last one are the slot machines. Its not like Seokjin haven't design for huge places like this, but casino really is different. The style you need to put up in here is luxurious where people can feel that they are already rich.

While the designer was checking every floors, Jungkook is behind him, checking out Seokjin from head to toes as he bites his lower lip. A guy with an hourglass shape and innocent face. Not to mention, he finds it cute when he is thinking deeply.

But there is one thing Seokjin noticed about the casinos that made him stop his tracks.

"There are no clocks in here?" He said, his head facing left and right to confirm.

Jungkook then chuckled, "Since when did you see casinos with clock?"

Seokjin is now more confused. We all know how important time is. As they said Time is Gold. Yes, he saw many gold embroids in this place but he hadn't see the real gold.

"We all know time is important, Mr. Jeon." Seokjin shake his head.

This made the younger smirked, he love how innocent and out of this world he is when it comes to gambling. He just loves it.

"You know, Mr. Kim, once you're in here you have minimal ways to tell the time. That means, only your watch and your phone." He then lifed up his wrist, showing his rolex watch with a brown leather strap around it.

"We don't want you to have that 'ah it's getting late...maybe I should leave' feeling." Jungkook shrugged his shoulders "Its business."

Seokjin is amazed by how bussines-minded this guy is at a young age. Does lawyers always think like this? But despite him being this successful he is still insane.

Nodding his head after what he says, means Seokjin is speechless. But he is kinda proud though since he had learned more about casinos.

They started designing as the older hands them the style he planned for the casino and not gonna lie, Jungkook is satisfied about what he did. How come a person have such a creative mind?

Another thing that Seokjin noticed about casino's is that they don't have windows. You will never see natural daylight inside casino. Its interesting how this huge place is full of mysteries.

"I guess we are done for tonight, Mr. Jeon." Seokjin said clasping both of his hand. The casino looked so brand new right now, good thing the interiors came right away.

"Well done, I didn't regret picking you, Mr. Kim. But shouldn't you stay for the night? Its really dangerous outside, we can reserve you a suite." Jungkook was about to assign his secretary.

" sir! Im totally fine." The designer gesturing both of his hands. "My husband is also probably waiting for me." he then tucked his hair behind his ears.

Its now midnight and Seokjin must admit he is really sleepy right now. He totally doesn't know if he can still drive but he is stuck between laying in a fluffy hotel bed or a mad husband.

As Seokjin said that, Jungkook's eyes immadiately went over his ring finger, a thin gold ring, with diamonds enhancing it, wrapped over.

'He really is married. Interesting.' the younger thought smirking.

Jungkook must be weird in thinking that this makes him more attractive, A new challenge then unlocked his brain. He is a very competitive guy.

"Well then, I can't do anything about that could I?" he let out a slight chuckle "And here, please save my number." Seokjin nods as they exchange numbers.

"I will be anticipating more from you, Mr. Jeon" he bowed at him as he made his way to the exit.

"How about a game of poker next time?" He said making Seokjin stop his tracks and lets out a faint "Sure." The older admits he never went to casino but he sure is really good at pokers, his father taught him.

He then bid him goodbye before his secretary assist Seokjin to his car. Jungkook, who is standing at the entrance, can clearly see Seokjin waving over him as he waved back.

This night is good, a good change of his casino, and a big change at his life. The thing that is in the way is the fact that he is already married. How lucky that bastard is.

But he is Jeon Jungkook afterall, he takes what he wants and..

"There is such thing as divorce. Right? I will pay for it."

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