Chapter 12

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Yoongi have asked to talk to me and decides to pick me up using his car

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Yoongi have asked to talk to me and decides to pick me up using his car. Since he wanna talk about renovating his house and he has specific designs. Not to mention Yoongi's house full of instruments.

We stopped infront Starcoffee, it's a small cafe here in the city, but their coffee really taste so good. Even though its underrated, Me, Hoseok, and Yoongi are probably regulars here.

We then take our seat on the second floor of the cafe, we ordered and starts discussing about the renovating. He asked a quick renovation on his studio. I showed him some of the interiors and designs. We finally agreed on something after the discussion.

"So, Hoseok told me about you trailing your husband, Seokjin." He leaned over his table while gazing at me, "That is so bold of you. Im so proud." He softly clapped.

Well, me and Hoseok do talk alot about that time. I released my tears and cried up, I even decide on staying the night since I have no energy to go back home after what happend. Its already been days since that incident. Well, Taehyung is still acting up and never changed though.

"I really don't know what to do anymore, Yoongi." I then gave him a faint smile, "So much happend in such a short time. I had no idea of what to do, or even what I wanted to do."

Yoongi took a deep breath before grabbing both of my hands, and looks straight into my eyes. "Listen Seokjin, you are better than this. Don't let that man crumple you." A hint in his eyes can be shown that he is rooting for me.

"Thank you, Yoongi-ah." I smiled, tears forming on my eyes. I missed the feeling that someone trust you as much as you do.

"Do you have any plans, Seokjin?" Yoongi asked.

At first, Im not really sure but im trying to reconsider maybe its the best for me, "Im thinking for divorce." The sentence made Yoongi's face lit up and just before he could talk his work phone rang. He then picks it up.

"Hello?..yes, yes."

"I will be on the way now."

Yoongi then ended up the call and rose up his feet, "It's work, Seokjin. Im called off by my assistant. Im sorry if I won't be able to drive you at home."

I shake my head, "No no it's totally fine. I can take a cab or something." I looked at him. He then get his share of payment but I politely decline it.

"Thank you so much. I promise, I will pay you back." He said making his way out.

"Pay me anytime. Take care Yoongichi!" I just chuckled and wave at him as he disappeared downstairs. Its me being alone again. I should start getting used by this feeling.

Checking the designs, I planned to stay longer at the cafe. I noticed the sky getting darker. Its probably gonna rain. Riding a cab is not easy during rainy days so I should probably head out.

I went to the cashier to pay for the bill but as soon as I turned around to head out, the gentle drizzle of rain suddenly turned into a torrential downpour. Luck is not in my side this month. I can't help but sigh, this cafe got no awning outside too.

I fled at full tilt to take a shelter under the awning of the nearest building, which is a bar.

"Ahh what a mess." My hair a clothes got totally drenched now.

Just then, something black gently covered my head, making me flinch as I slowly annalyze the object. A hand? Whose hand could this be?

"It's mine." A chuckle can be heard behind. I turned my head to see whose voice is it.

"Mr. Jeon?!" My eyes went wide. What is a billionare doing outside now when he should be working.

"I saw you from the second floor." He gazed at me, "You should've seen the look on your face when you we're running." He grinned.

Ugh! I can't believe he saw me. I must look so dumb. I covered my face with embarrassment.

"What are you doing here anyway, Jungkook?"

"I was checking out some alcohol in this bar. Namjoon recommended it to me." He replied.

"Well, I was actually on my way home from the cafe, and I was waiting for a cab when the rain started pouring." I pointed over at the cafe.

"Oh really? Then please wait here, I will get my car real quick and drive you home." Im about to reject but he is too quick to disappear and run off to where he ad parked it. I looked outside and the rain have gotten even worse. It looks like I can't reject his offer.

After a few minutes, A red mustang pulled infront of me as Jungkook lowered the windows and signed me to get in. I can't believe im riding as a passenger that Mr. Jeon drive. I glance at him, he looks focused on the wheel. My heartbeat became to race as I immadiately looked away. Maybe this guy isn't bad at all? It was raining outside, but it was surprisingly quiet inside the car.

We arrived at the Kim residence. He stopped at the entrance of the house. Looks like he have figured out where I really leave.

"Thank you for taking me home, Mr. Jeon." I can't even thank him much at that flood causing storm.

"It's nothing, Seokjin. Take care, then." A hint of smile showed his lips.

As I was about to leave, I felt strong hands dragging me back inside the car, causing me to yelp.

"I forgot to give you this." Jungkook said handing me a small envelope. An invitation?

"What is this for?" I looked at him who is smirking.

"Just go to where it is located. You can bring Taehyung if you want." He shruggs his shoulders. Im actually not sure if Taehyung has time for parties because he is busy, but I will try I guess?

I nod off and once again got out of the car as I watched the taillights of the car as it drove away. Looking at the invitation once, I wonder what am I attending to.


The POV on this chapter is Seokjin's three or two chapter in a row. But don't worry I know how much you liked Jungkook's so I will also put some.

But lets talk about this

But lets talk about this

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Jinnie is angwyyyy

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Jinnie is angwyyyy

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