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Its another month of Seokjin's pregnancy and finally, the doctor can now reveal the gender

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Its another month of Seokjin's pregnancy and finally, the doctor can now reveal the gender. They are on the way towards the maternity and Seokjin is starting to feel nervous. He's biting his lower lip non-stop because of it, and his husband noticed it.

Jungkook glanced at Seokjin who is pacing and decides to place his palm on the older's thigh, trying to calm him down. His other hand on the steering wheel trying to drive.

The younger smiled at Seokjin gently, "Are you alright?" He asked caressing Seokjin's thigh gently.

"Do I look like I am? I don't understand why im nervous about it." Seokjin replied sighing.

"So what gender do you like?" Jungkook asked, his eyes fixed on the road.

Seokjin took time to think before answering it, "Anything is fine for me actually, if its my child." He replied trying to calm himself down.

"How about you kookie?" Seokjin raised his brow at Jungkook.

Jungkook then shrugged his shoulders, "Well, I want it to be a boy. So I can have an heir." He grinned.

To be qualified as an heir, the first thing is to be a male. It just represents how dominant it can be on the Jeon blood. But of course Jungkook can't choose the gender so he will accept any gender that comes with their child.

"Its gonna be a surprise you pabo. Its like you have a choice right?" Seokjin chuckled before leaning back to his seat.


"Its a boy!"

The doctor happily exclaimed looking at Seokjin and Jungkook. Seokjin is resting in the bed while doing the ultrasound.

"Eh?" The couple looked over, with a surprised face.

"Yup. Its a healthy baby boy." The doctor smiled.

Seokjin then looked over Jungkook who seems surprised but softens afterwards. A relieved smile formed her lips while looking at the monitor. Seeing Jungkook being soft is somehow sending butteflies to his stomach.

"Looks like someone is happy." Seokjin said getting Jungkook's attention.

The younger snapped out his thoughts and looks down at Seokjin, "Aren't you?" Jungkook raised his brows.

"Of course I am hmph." Seokjin scoffed and covers hus exposed belly.

"Well then, thats for our check-up today. Makes sure to take your vitamins alright?" The doctor said.

"And you should start small exercises now. Its healthy for the baby." She continued.

Its pretty common for a Jeon to have a male son since their genes are powerful and strong. The case of their child being male is very obvious since both of them are male.

"Yes. Thank you so much." Seokjin said as Jungkook assist him getting off the bed.

"We will be going now." Jungkook bows at the doctor before leaving together with Seokjin.

The sun is already setting as they got out of the maternity. Some patients noticed the two of them on the way out and get surprised. Although the media didn't announced Seokjin's divorce with Taehyung, they announced him and Jungkook married.

With that, Seokjin gets hate because the netizens thought he is two-timing, but the older really can't care less and same for Jungkook who is always unbothered.


"What do you want to name him?"

Seokjin nibbled the straw of his fifth banana milk while asking Jungkook who is doing something on his wooden desk. His husband is working overtime once again on his office and Seokjin decides to join him even if he is just in his pajamas.

This days Seokjin suddenly crave for banana milk, which is not usual to him. He always drinks strawberry milk and rarely banana milk on his daily routine.

Jungkook sighs and took of his glasses, "I haven't think about it yet." He said putting it beside him.

"How bout you?" Jungkook leaned his chin on his palm and face Seokjin on the sofa.

"Hmm..." Seokjin scrunched his nose while thinking deep. "Im thinking about this name for a long time. How about Jihu?" He face Jungkook.

Jungkook then stared for a while before leaning on his swivel chair. He tilt his head on the side and gazed at the box of banana milk on the center table.

"Its actually a cute name. But our child's name should be something that symbolizes superior." He rose from his swivel chair.

Jungkook walked towards the center table and took one banana milk out, "Like my grandfather named me as the pillars of nation, which is...true." he chuckled before drinking it.

"Jihu means wisdom already." Seokjin pouts at Jungkook, while clenching on his stuffed toy.

"Lets make it Jihun then." Jungkook grinned and sits beside Seokjin, "Now he is brains and elite." He winked at Seokjin.

Seokjin was taken aback when Jungkook added the missing piece of the name. He thought there was something missing about it and his husband clearly found it.

"Its actually a great name! You're such a genius Jeon Jungkook!" Seokjin's eyes sparkled and hits Jungkook playfully.

"I actually wanna name it Jeongsan thought." Jungkook laughed.

"Guess I will save it for the second one." He muttered glancing at Seokjin who is already red.



Thank you so much for the 100k reads on My Time! Didn't expect this will be my first book to reach a 100k reads. But thank you seriously💜

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