Love Lockdown: 16

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Taehyung is now on his office on the mansion reading some files

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Taehyung is now on his office on the mansion reading some files. Its been months ever since his divorce with Seokjin and not gonna lie, the residence look empty and silent without Seokjin.

His parents have also heard about their divorce and even complains about it but they can't do anything. Besides, they are already adults to handle their own problems.

They have also learned about Taehyung and Jimins relationship which his father is unhappy about. From the fact that he thinks Jimin is a gold digger and has no big name. His parents are not supportive about them at all.

"Here is your tea, Mr. Kim" Minji called out putting the tea on his wooden desk.

"Thank you. You can leave." Taehyung said, still writing the papers.

"And sir, Mr. Jeons assistant have called me today." Minji added.

This made Taehyung stopped writting as he looks up to face Minji. He knitted his brows at her. Just remembering his name made his blood boil. The way he owned Seokjin that night is something he could never forget.

"About what?" Taehyung asked.

"He asked for a meeting at the resort." Minji continued.

A sudden meeting makes him suspicious. He knew Jungkook is planning something he doesn't like. Taehyung can tell the power and pride Jungkook have on him but he should also remember he is not that easy.

Taehyung just brushed it off and sighs before smiling at Minji. He leaned on his chair and collects the papers.

"Prepare a car for me. I will go." Taehyung replied as Minji just nods.

"Yes. Please excuse me." She bowed before leaving his office.


Seokjin stepped inside the penthouse, which is silent and empty. Putting his things down, went straight to Jungkook's office. Yoongi already went to work because of his patients waiting for him.

"Jungkook?" Seokjin called out while knocking on the door.

"Come in." A faint voice answered as Seokjin slowly pushed the door.

Seokjin opened the door showing Jungkook on his desk, looking at him with a smile on his face. The older actually didn't expect Jungkook to be on his penthouse office since he got many clients waiting.

"How are you here?" Seokjin said closing the door behind him.

"What do you mean by that?" Jungkook furrowed his brows at him.

"I mean you don't usually come here on normal days," Seokjin walks towards him "Did you forget something important?" He continued.

"Oh yes. Im preparing the files for my heads meeting today." Jungkook said.

Seokjin is a little confused about the sudden meeting because he didn't saw that anywhere on his schedules. Jungkook then picked up the folder before standing up.

"Why so sudden?" Seokjin asked.

"Im gonna talk to your ex-husband, baby." Jungkook replied, with an evil grinn.

His eyes widen after hearing the sentence and narrowed it to Jungkook who has been grinning. Seokjin knew how the stockholders hold Taehyung's hospital and he likes Jungkook to jist leave him be.

"Are you serious? Just let him be-"

Before Seokjin could continue, Jungkook grabbed his wrist making him yelp.

"I hope you are not defending him." Jungkook's cold voice send shivers towards Seokjins spine. His sharp gaze makes holes on his eyes.

"I-im not." Seokjin muttered.

The notification on Jungkook's phone cut both of them as Jungkook glanced over it. He lets go of Seokjin and picks his phone up.

"Hello? Yes...I will be there." Jungkook said before shutting the call off.

"Thats Irene. The meeting is set I need to go now." He said putting his phone inside his pockets.

"Jungkook..." Seokjin begged once more grabbing the youngers arms.

Jungkook runs his fingers through his hair before looking at Seokjin with a gentle smile. He wants him to trust him at all cost.

"Don't worry I will make sure the president is not comming after me." He said kissing his forehead making Seokjin knit his brows and think on what he said.

Jungkook then grabbed the files before rushing out the door leaving Seokjin who is dumbfolded.

"Wai...Jungkook-ah!" Seokjin yelled but its was too late for him.

"Ahh that guy seriously." Seokjin sigh in frustration.

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