Love Lockdown: 20

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They have arrived at the big resthouse in the middle of the island

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They have arrived at the big resthouse in the middle of the island. There were also housekeepers when they arrived and got welcomed by them. All of them got each of their shared rooms and starts feeling at home.

"Happy birthday Jeon Jungkook!"

They sang him a birthday song with the electricity off the whole island leaving the candles on his birthday cake. And of course the flash on Hoseok's camera.

"Make a wish and blow your candles!" Seokjin said while holding the cake.

Jungkook then slowly blows the candle after wishing. The electricity were put back as soon as he blows the candles.

"I wonder what he wishes." Namjoon puts a finger on his chin.

"Thats top secret ya know?" Yoongi then butted in making them laugh.

Celebrating Jungkook's party, they have started it on night time. The housemaids have been serving food for them.

Same for Seokjin who has been waiting for the birthday cake to be cut, Hoseok that has been taking almost a thousand of photos, Yoongi who is getting drunk by the wine, and Namjoon who is also drunk.

They have also given them the gifts for Jungkook which he really didn't care and only took Seokjin's gift with him. And it made Seokjin dearly happy that he likes the handwatch.


Its already in the middle of the night and the rest of them are asleep on the couch. The resthouse has been looking like a mess and they are the last man standing. The full moon struck Seokjin's eyes as he looks outside the big window infront.

"The moon is blooming." Seokjin rest his arms on the couch, staring outside.

Jungkook then followed Seokjin and looked over the moon outside as he agrees. The moon is stunning and the sound of the waves is pretty calming.

"Wanna take a walk outside?" Jungkook rose up on the couch before lending Seokjin his hand.

The older stares at his hand for a minute before grabbing it. They decide to walk around the island since its pretty small and you can see the corners of it.

The atmosphere has been silent as both of them started walking through the sands while holding hands. Its been so long since they have been alone together, since both them are busy with their works.

They stopped on the sand bar and looked over the shining moon. Seokjin slowly glanced at Jungkook who seems to enjoy the cold breeze.

"Jungkook." Seokjin broke the silence off making Jungkook look at him.

"Hmm?" Jungkook hummed in response.

"Im still wondering why you liked me." Seokjin chuckled.

"Because you got something they don't." Jungkook replied, clenching Seokjins hands.

Seokjin just nod his head in agreement as they continued watching the moon reflecting the ocean. His hand was tugged and the second thing he knew, he was in Jungkook's embrace.

"Jungkook?" Seokjin said in almost a whisper, his hand clenching on Jungkook's clothes.

"Seokjin..." Jungkook calls out to him.

"When a royal blood is married," Jungkook said on a gentle voice "He emblazons the family's symbol on his partner for life." Jungkook then pulled in the hug and took out a golden ring on his pocket.

Seokjin was surprised by the sudden topic about it, especially when Jungkook took out the ring on his pocket. The ring is only for the Jeons and the soon becoming Jeon. Noble family has each ring on the official member.

Jungkook held on his palm and takes it closer to his mouth.

"Right here." Jungkook said pressing his lips on Seokjin's ring finger before inserting the ring in it.

The olders heart was already beating fast on Jungkook's sudden proposal and he doesn't know how to act about it. His eyes hatched on the golden ring wrapped around his fingers. He can feel his palm getting cold against the youngers warm hands.

"Seokjin," Jungkook then look up to him, "I want you to stay by my side forever." He continues.

"Will you allow me?" Jungkook said, his hand still holding Seokjin's hands.

Long silence have gone by as Jungkook is waiting for Seokjin's response. The olders eyes stared at Jungkook and he can feel Seokjin's hands trembling and his face still looking surprised.

Jungkook got caught up when Seokjin suddenly clenches tight on his hands and lets out the most gentle smile Jungkook have ever seen.


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