Love Lockdown: 02

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A few days after that night, I picked up divorce papers from my city ward office

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A few days after that night, I picked up divorce papers from my city ward office. And in the end, I decide not to ask for alimony. Mr. Jeon was right. I can totally handle my self, I'll live on the money I saved up when I was single. I have to make my modest savings stretch until I can find a client. Even the workers at the city ward got shocked when I put up a divorce. They have known me and Taehyung, but it looks like its gonna be on the news tonight.

When I went home to get my belongings, I have already informed the housemaids and they have prepared my personal stuff. Good thing Taehyung was already at work because I don't wanna create scenes infront of the housemaids.

But this isn't easy, im back on being alone again and I don't have parents to take me in. That's right, I grow up at the orphan and I independently rose up on my two feet, pay all my tuition fees, went to Seoul, and gain money and status on my own.

The fact that I got dependent on Taehyung ever since we married is like I forgot how to be independent again and thats my biggest mistake. But now, I will try once more.

I'm waiting in a line at the city ward office when my phone vibrates. It's the real estate agent managing the condo I applied.

"I'm so sorry, you've been rejected." I can hear the real state agent on the other line.

"I have been informed that there is already a pending owner at the last unit you have picked." He continued.

"I see. I understand." I let out a heavy before ending the call.

I'm never going to be able to find a place to live at this rate. I have tried all different types of apartment here in Seoul but mostly are jam-packed and It's not like I can live in that little motel forever. If I burn through the rest of my savings, I'll have no choice but to live with Hoseok and Yoongi. They had already insist for me to live with them during Namjoon's party, but I just don't wanna be a burden.

I was on my way out from the City ward when my phone vibrates once again. I took it out to check who is it. Its Jeon Jungkook. Maybe he is asking now to return the favor?

"H-hello? Mr. Jeon?" After what have happend the other night, who wouldn't get nervous about it?

"Seokjin. You want to repay me back right?" His deep voice can be heard on the other line. Finally he is now asking for it. I hope it doesn't cause that much though.

"Ah yes! Please let me repay you."

"Then come here at my office later. I will discuss something with you."

That's the last thing he say before shutting the call off. I wonder what is it all about? Well I don't care anymore. Atleast im divorced with that Taehyung now.

I went straightly to my car which is parked outside. Good thing this car is fully paid in cash or else im gonna end up selling this once my savings are out. The drive was really not that far and there are no traces of traffic so I arrived at the reason on time. I rarely get late when im asked to come over. Thinking in advance is a part of me.

I was about to get out of the car when I stopped and look at my reflection on the rearview. I look like crap. Oily and pale face, dry lips, messy hair, big eyebags and dark cirles. This is all Kim Taehyung's fault. Wearing a white turtle neck and a brown cardigan jacket pearing with some black jeans. Taking out all my make up out of the bag, I started doing a quick makeover. I spray some perfume inside my wrist and rub it on the pulse point behind my ear.

Mr. Jeon is totally someone you need to prepare for. He is a pretty straightforward and bold guy. If he doesn't like something, he will say it he doesn't care at all. Pretty attractive for a man. His whole personality suits him a lot, afterall, he is a rich-ass billionare who got a perfectionist mind. You need to come presentable on him and he deserves it.

I got out on the car and once again, his secretary is waiting for me at the entrance. Is she always like this? Waiting for guests? We greeted each other before heading to Mr. Jeon's office. The elevator ride was silent, as usual for his secretary.

"May I ask what is your favor now, Mr. Jeon?" The secretary opened his office door for me as I went inside. I stopped my tracks when I saw Namjoon on the couch. He then waved at me and I greet back.

"Prepare yourself. We're gonna go and meet someone." He grips his hand on the barboun he have been drinking. He then assigned his secretary to bring the stylist in to give me a makeover. This is totally not me who is returning his favor.

My eyes just went wide on confusion as I looked over at Namjoon who looks like he have just also figured everything out and gives me a thumbs up. What's gonna happend to me?
Just a few seconds, a two stylist came inside his office.

"This is Nara and Mira. My stylist during red carpets and interviews." The two feminine looking guy then waved at me as I greeted them back.

"B-but wait. I just did my makeover-" I tried to explain to Nara, the stylist who is now dragging me to another room.

"Give him a good makeover. I want it elegant." He assigned all of them as he followed us. My jaw dropped and I was left dumbfolded.

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