Love Lockdown: 15

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Seokjin is now giving Yoongi accompany at the mall

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Seokjin is now giving Yoongi accompany at the mall. They are finding new interiors for his new renovated clinic. Its actually just the two of them since Hoseok is busy with his family vacation at Singapore.

"Here is my card." Yoongi said handling his black card to the cashier.

"The interiors will be delivered on your clinic tomorrow." The saleslady replied with a smile.

Yoongi just nods before taking his card and shoving it to his wallet. Seokjin who is just waiting at the corner, also thinks of buying something.

"Do you wanna buy something?" Yoongi said walking towards him.

"Umm...I wanna buy something for Jungkook." Seokjin replied.

Its been a month since the business trip or rather vacation for them at Macau. Things have been going well between Jungkook and Seokjin eversince. Aside from that, Jungkook's birthday is comming up and he wants a present for him.

"Oh thats right. His birthday is comming up right?" Yoongi asked as both of them stepped out of the store.

Jungkook's birthday is on September first and Namjoon have told him for a surprise party. Since Jungkook is not usually the type to celebrate his party every year because of his busy schedules.

"Yes. I wanna give him a valueable present." Seokjin replied.

"Like what?" Yoongi raised his brows at Seokjin.

The older is actually not sure what present he is gonna give. Its been a long time since he has gave anything to a special person. If its something, he wants it to be used on his everyday life.

"Im actually not sure." Seokjin let out a cheeky smile. "Maybe a handwatch?" He continued.

This made Yoongi looked at him with surprise. Seokjin is actually bad at giving gifts so he is kind of shocked about the good choice. The last time Seokjin gave him three umbrella on his birthday and thats because Yoongi always forgets his umbrella. Seokjin is the type who gifts you things you really need.

Maybe something has come up to his mind why he wanted to give Jungkook a handwatch?

"And why a watch specifically?" Yoongi asked Seokjin who stopped his tracks.

"Well he is always in the casino and he told me there is only minimal ways to tell the time." Seokjin parted his lips remembering what have Jungkook told him.

"I see..." Yoongi noded, "You got a point for that." He continued.

Both of them entered the Rolex store and the saleslady greeted them. Seokjin have noticed some of Jungkook's expensive handwatch and he knows he can't surpass those but he hopes he likes the one they bought.

A specific watch caught Seokjin's eyes. Its a handwatch displayed inside the glass. The watch is very masculine and first thing he could think off is Jungkook. Its a silver watch with gold around the strap; the base is velvety black.

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