Chapter 9

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I was expecting many things last night while im on my way home, like my husband scolding me until we get intimate on the bed

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I was expecting many things last night while im on my way home, like my husband scolding me until we get intimate on the bed. Im reading too much books. But when I arrived, of course the entrance are empty. No signs of Taehyung at all.

Im even excited on telling him about my new client. Mr. Jeon Jungkook. Guy on his 20's, handsome and sexy, but an arrogant one. Girls will be falling over heels with him. But with his good looks, and business minded, im actually surprised he is not married yet.

A housemaid came to greet me and told me that she reheated my dinner. I told her im not hungry and asked her where my husband is, since I haven't feel his presence. She just said that he went to sleep early which made me scoff. Im sure he is strict when it comes to me comming home late and now he will just rest? I sighed looking at him sleeping peacefully on our bed. I should wash up. I probably looked like a clown.

After I washed up, I went straight up to bed. My body is so tired its feels like its retiring already.

The next day came by quick, he wasn't happy last night about me comming home late. He didn't say anything yet but I could tell from the way he moved the topic when Im about to talk about my client. I guess he just doesn't like me going home late and its also very unusual for me.

Today is Taehyung's day-off and we have planned a morning movie date. We actually did this at night but he mentioned earlier about the welcome party Namjoon held and he is taking me. Its already three in the afternoon and he just got off a call with his squadmate earlier. You may think we are old and busy but we still have time for each other like teenagers.

Moving towards the kitchen, I held two movies in my hand. One was Tomb Raider and the other one was The Conjuring.

"Scary or action?" I asked Taehyung. He was leaning on the counter top in his sweatpants, arms crossed. He is heating up some popcorn right now, and the microwave was still going.

"Scary," I mean of course he would pick scary. He is a sinister and psycho. I also loved scary movies even if im the biggest chicken between us. I don't know why I still love watching them. I loved getting scared, and im the guy who believes in paranormal stuff but totally gets scared at the end. When I watched the movie IT, I made him go with me everywhere the whole ass month, even at the bathroom. Till this day im not a hundred percent sure I recovered.

"You're holding me when im scared." And he is not even surprised about it, he knew that I was gonna cling on him the whole movie.

"As if I don't already, scaredy-cat." He smirked as I poked my tongue out.

Then he reached towards me. I don't know what's happening but the tension is definately alive. Taehyung's long slender finger cupped my chin. He tilted my head back, before leaning down, pressing his lips to mine. How I missed this feeling. I then responded to him right away. My mouth opening under his as he slip his tongue inside. He doesn't have a shirt for me to cling, so I end up dugging my fingers on his broad shoulders. His own hand pushed into my hair, the other is coming around my waist.

I don't really care at this moment. I don't care if the housemaids saw us. My body is on fire. His fingers came down to my thighs as he lifted me up, placing me on the counter top as my fingers brushed his hair up. Our tongues were dancing together. I could feel my member twitching. But I don't care about that though. I need this time with my husband.

Being just hard meant that Taehyung will help me out. Its been so long since we got intimate. He have been distant lately and it concerned me of course.

He pulled back both of us, panting for air. I licked my lips. The taste of coffee and mint is quite addictive. Its the same taste that exploded my mouth everytime he kissed me. No wonder I liked coffee so much. It reminds me of my husband's kisses. I can't believe we totally forgot about the movie we are about to watch but who cares.

Just as we get more intimate and dive deeper, the doorbell echoed throughout the whole mansion. I can see my husbands expression changed. He doesn't like disturbance. Its actually not new to me since my clients personally come when they need something. Taehyung called out Minji who is standing outside the kitchen door.

"Minji," his voice pissed. "Check who is it." the head housemaid just nods before heading towards the entrance.

I pressed a palm on Taehyung's chest and smiled at him. "We will continue this later, okay?"

"You want to?" He sounded breathless. His forehead pressed into mine. I nodded. It sounded kind of hot. He totally looked like a greek-god right now.

The younger then once again lifted me up and puts me down. I throw a shirt at him. I don't the visitor seeing his bare body. Its mine and mine only. Taehyung then wore the shirt. Minji then came back getting both of our attention.

"Masters, its-"

Hoseok then pushed over Minji aside as Yoongi silently followed him behind. Making my eyes went huge.

"Jinnieeeee! Let's go together to the-"   Both of them stopped, their jaw dropped when they saw me and Taehyung, all sweaty.

"Did we...disturb something?" Hoseok let out a cheeky smile. Yoongi then scoffed and grabbed Hoseok's collar from behind, dragging him out of the room. I looked at Taehyung who seemed confused.

"Are they also going to the welcome party?" I asked him. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I can't remember inviting such a big mouth. Namjoon probably invited them." My mouth formed an 'O'. Of course Namjoon will invite Hoseok. He is courting him for almost a year already.

"Should we also get ready?" I smiled at him as he nods.


but can I have Tae instead? 👉👈

Don't worry Kookie will be back on the next chapter

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