Chapter 13

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As I stepped inside, the atmosphere changed

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As I stepped inside, the atmosphere changed. Im back in this house again and of course, unhappy marriage. My body suddenly feels heavy as the housemaids come over to greet me. Looking around at this big mansion, it suddenly feels like I don't deserve this, and also my husband. It feels like I owe Taehyung my life. He helped me getting well known by people, it's not like I relied on him though, but mostly, he did a lot for me. I thought he is the guy im destined for.

I arrived infront of our shared room hoping that Taehyung is inside. I checked my watch first, its six in the evening. He is probably inside. I nod my head and forced a smile before taking a deep breath and opened the door.

The sight of Taehyung holding his laptop while in the bed made me smile in relief. He is wearing his designer pajamas and a plain white shirt. At least, he's here through the last of our days. Im gonna miss looking at him like this.

"Welcome home. Where have you been?" He tooks his eyes off his laptop and smiled gently at me. Soft and gentle as always.

"Yoongi asked for some ideas, since he is thinking of renovation." I placed my handbag on the chair.

He just nods off, his face then changed a second when he noticed im soaked, "You got caught up by the rain?" He raised his brows as I shrugged my shoulders. I wanna tell him about Jungkook sending me home but he probably doesn't care at all.

I went inside the bathroom to wash myself up and changed into some comfortable clothes. When I got out, Taehyung is still on his laptop. I sat on our bed in our room and stared absently at nothing. I feel like im going insane. I really wanna confront him about the incident, but I will only froze on the spot. Im confused why im so afraid to lose him. I looked at the framed photo of our wedding, hanging on the wall.

What is marriage, anyway?

I really wanted to build a nice happy family with Taehyung back then a bundle of misfortune.

As my eyes were roaming around, it stopped on my handbag. That's right. I should ask him about the party. But im pretty sure he is not gonna attend but its not bad to try right?

I looked over to my husband, his eyes still focused on the laptop.


Taehyung turned his head to face me letting out a faint "hmm?" In respond.

"Well im actually invited to a party. And I was wondering..if you could accompany me?" I said looking at him. I swear my eyes is now full of hope that he will attend because I don't want to drool watching those love birds in there.

"I have an appointment that day." His cold voice cut throughout my thoughts. Is he serious?

I just nod slowly and hang my head down, "Oh, I understand." I knew he wouldn't be able to go. I was sure to mention there maybe some pretty important people there. Afterall, his days are filled with appointments with rich and powerfull. But if he has an private appointment, he has to work. Im sure being a neurosurgeon isn't that easy.

"Im going to sleep now." He placed his laptop on the night stand.

"But its still early, how about dinner?" I asked looking at him whose back is already turned against me. It made me suddenly lost my appetite to eat too.

He shakes his head, "I have no appetite, i'll eat tomorrow." He slightly tilt his head, "By the way, make sure I have a shirt ready for tomorrow." He said before going to sleep.

I take out a deep breath before noding my head, "Ok, I'll iron one, and a handkerchief, too." This work is always my job and not the housemaids. Since I know a lot about Taehyung's preference so I suggested to do this type of work for him. I then went to bed facing the opposite side.

Well, he is asleep now and not to mention, but our sex life is nonexistent lately. I know everything isn't just about sex but I have to admit it hurts to think that he is not attracted to me that way anymore. He always says he wants to try and have a baby but he just end up not fulfilling his promises. Is it becaue he found someone more young and charming looking than me?

The sense of dread I've felt so often lately once again rears its head. I should stop doubting him. He sure has a good explaination for this.

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